Table III Tool [Current through 118-78 (July 30, 2024)]

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. For data processing XML files are available in bulk and broken into acts. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

113th Cong.  ↑  127 Stat.  ↑  Dec. 26, 2013  ↑  113–66 113–67(pdf) 113–69
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
1(a) 1165 2 900 nt
1(c) 1166 1 1 nt
101(a) 1166 2 901
101(b), (c) 1167 2 901a
101(d)(1) 1168 2 900
101(d)(2) 1168 2 901a
121(1), (2) 1174, 1175 2 902
121(3), (4) 1175 2 904
121(5)-(8) 1175 2 905
121(9) 1175 2 907
121(10) 1175 2 907a
122(1), (2) 1175 2 632
122(3) 1175 2 633
122(4)-(6) 1175 2 636
122(7) 1175 2 637
122(8) 1175 2 639
122(9) 1175 2 641
122(10) 1176 2 645
122(11) 1176 2 645a
122(12), (13) 1176 2 651
122(14) 1176 2 658
122(15) 1176 2 661d
122(16), (17) 1176 2 621 nt
201(a) 1176 42 503
201(b) 1176 42 503 nt
202(a), (b)(1) 1177 42 1396a
202(b)(2) 1177 42 1396k
202(b)(3) 1177 42 1396p
202(c) 1177 42 1396a nt
203 1177 42 1306c
204(a)(1) 1179 42 402
204(a)(2) 1179 42 1382
204(b)(1) 1180 42 402
204(b)(2) 1180 42 1382
204(c) 1181 31 3321 nt Rep.
301(a) 1181 42 16371-16378 Rep.
302 1181 30 191
303 1181 43 1356b nt
304 1182 43 1356b
305(a) 1183 30 1721
305(b) 1183 30 1721 nt
306(a) 1183 42 6240
401(a) 1183 5 8401
401(b) 1184 5 8422
401(c) 1184 5 8423
401(d) 1185 5 8415
402(a) 1185 22 4071a
402(b) 1185 22 4071e
402(c) 1185 22 4071f
403(a) 1186 10 1401a
403(b) 1186 10 1410
403(c) 1186 10 1401a nt
501 1186 20 1078-6
501 1186 20 1078-6 nt
502(1) 1187 20 1087f
502(2) 1187 20 1087h
601(a)(1), (2) 1187 49 44940
601(a)(3) 1187 49 44940 nt
601(b), (c) 1187 49 44940
601(d) 1188 49 44940 nt
601(e) 1188 49 44940 nt
602(a) 1188 46 55316, 55317 Rep.
602(b) 1188 46 prec. 55301
603 1188 49 44903
701 1189 19 58c
702(a)(1) 1189 41 4304
702(a)(2) 1189 10 2324 Rep.
702(b)(1) 1189 41 1127 Rep.
702(b)(2) 1189 41 prec. 1101
702(c) 1189 41 4304 nt
702(d) 1189 41 4304 nt
703(a)-(d) 1190, 1191 29 1306
703(e) 1192 29 1306 nt
705(a) 1192 16 590c
705(b) 1193 16 590f
706(a) 1193 5 8905
706(b) 1194 5 8905a
706(c) 1194 5 8906
706(d) 1194 5 8905 nt
1001(a) 1195 42 1305 nt
1002 1195 42 1395w-4 nt
1101, 1102 1196 42 1395w-4
1103 1196 42 1395l
1104 1196 42 1395m
1105-1106(b)(1) 1197 42 1395ww
1106(b)(2) 1197 42 1395ww nt
1107 1197 42 1395w-28
1108 1197 42 1395mm
1109 1197 42 1395aaa
1110 1198 42 1395b-3 nt
1201(a) 1198 42 1396a
1201(b) 1198 42 1396u-3
1202 1199 42 1396a
1202 1199 42 1396r-6
1203 1199 42 701
1204(a) 1199 42 1396r-4
1204(b) 1199 42 1396r-4 nt
1205 1200 2 901a
1206(a)(1) 1200 42 1395ww
1206(a)(3) 1203 42 1395ww nt
1206(b)(1)(A), (B) 1203 42 1395ww nt
1206(b)(2) 1204 42 1395ww nt
1206(c) 1204 42 1395ww
1206(d) 1204 42 1395ww nt