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§4761. Declaration of purpose

The purpose of this subchapter is to provide for the general administration of subchapters I, II, III, and IV of this chapter (hereinafter referred to as "this chapter"), and to provide for the establishment of certain advisory committees.

(Pub. L. 91–648, title V, §501, Jan. 5, 1971, 84 Stat. 1925.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

This subchapter, referred to in text, was in the original "this title", meaning title V of Pub. L. 91–648. See below.

Subchapters I, II, III, and IV of this chapter, referred to in text, was in the original "titles I, II, III, and V of this Act", meaning Pub. L. 91–648, Jan. 5, 1971, 84 Stat. 1909. Titles I, II, and III of the Act are classified generally to subchapters I (§4701 et seq.), II (§4721 et seq.), and III (§4741 et seq.), respectively, of this chapter. Title V of the Act is classified principally to this subchapter. For complete classification of titles I to III and V to the Code, see Tables.

§4762. Definitions

For the purpose of this chapter—

(1) "Office" means the Office of Personnel Management;

(2) "Federal agency" means an executive department, military department, independent establishment, or agency in the executive branch of the Government of the United States, including Government owned or controlled corporations;

(3) "State" means a State of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and a territory or possession of the United States, and includes interstate and Federal-interstate agencies but does not include the governments of the political subdivisions of a State;

(4) "local government" means a city, town, county, or other subdivision or district of a State, including agencies, instrumentalities, and authorities of any of the foregoing and any combination of such units or combination of such units and a State. A "general local government" means a city, town, county, or comparable general-purpose political subdivision of a State; and

(5) Notwithstanding the population requirements of sections 4723(a) and 4743(c) of this title, a "local government" and a "general local government" also mean the recognized governing body of an Indian tribe, band, pueblo, or other organized group or community, including any Alaska Native village, as defined in the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (85 Stat. 688) [43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.], which performs substantial governmental functions. The requirements of sections 4723(c) and 4743(d) of this title, relating to reviews by the Governor of a State, do not apply to grant applications from the governing body of an Indian tribe, although nothing in this chapter is intended to discourage or prohibit voluntary communication and cooperation between Indian tribes and State and local governments.

(Pub. L. 91–648, title V, §502, Jan. 5, 1971, 84 Stat. 1925; Pub. L. 93–638, title I, §104(d), formerly §105(d), Jan. 4, 1975, 88 Stat. 2208, renumbered §104(d), Pub. L. 100–472, title II, §203(a), Oct. 5, 1988, 102 Stat. 2290; Pub. L. 95–454, title VI, §602(d), Oct. 13, 1978, 92 Stat. 1189; 1978 Reorg. Plan No. 2, §102, eff. Jan. 1, 1979, 43 F.R. 36037, 92 Stat. 3783.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

This chapter, referred to in text, means the provisions of subchapters I, II, III, and IV of this chapter. See section 4761 of this title.

The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, referred to in par. (5), is Pub. L. 92–203, Dec. 18, 1971, 85 Stat. 688, which is classified generally to chapter 33 (§1601 et seq.) of Title 43, Public Lands. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 1601 of Title 43 and Tables.


1978—Par. (3). Pub. L. 95–454 inserted reference to Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.

1975—Par. (5). Pub. L. 93–638 added par. (5).

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of 1978 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 95–454 effective 90 days after Oct. 13, 1978, see section 907 of Pub. L. 95–454, set out as a note under section 1101 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.

Executive Documents

Transfer of Functions

"Office" and "Office of Personnel Management" substituted for "Commission" and "Civil Service Commission", respectively, in par. (1), pursuant to Reorg. Plan No. 2 of 1978, §102, 43 F.R. 36037, 92 Stat. 3783, set out under section 1101 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees, which transferred all functions vested by statute in Civil Service Commission and Chairman thereof to Director of Office of Personnel Management (except as otherwise specified), effective Jan. 1, 1979, as provided by section 1–102 of Ex. Ord. No. 12107, Dec. 28, 1978, 44 F.R. 1055, set out under section 1101 of Title 5.

Termination of Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands

For termination of Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, see note set out preceding section 1681 of Title 48, Territories and Insular Possessions.

§4763. General administrative provisions

(a) Administration by Office

Unless otherwise specifically provided, the Office shall administer this chapter.

(b) Advice and assistance

The Office shall furnish such advice and assistance to State and local governments as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter.

(c) Regulations and standards; contracts: modification, covenants, conditions, and provisions; utilization of other agencies

In the performance of, and with respect to, the functions, powers, and duties vested in it by this chapter, the Office may—

(1) issue such standards and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter;

(2) consent to the modification of any contract entered into pursuant to this chapter, such consent being subject to any specific limitations of this chapter;

(3) include in any contract made pursuant to this chapter such covenants, conditions, or provisions as it deems necessary to assure that the purposes of this chapter will be achieved; and

(4) utilize the services and facilities of any Federal agency, any State or local government, and any other public or nonprofit agency or institution, on a reimbursable basis or otherwise, in accordance with agreements between the Office and the head thereof.

(d) Information: collection and availability; research and evaluation; administration report; coordination of Federal programs

In the performance of, and with respect to the functions, powers, and duties vested in it by this chapter, the Office—

(1) may collect information from time to time with respect to State and local government training programs and personnel administration improvement programs and projects under this chapter, and make such information available to interested groups, organizations, or agencies, public or private;

(2) may conduct such research and make such evaluation as needed for the efficient administration of this chapter;

(3) shall include in its annual report a report of the administration of this chapter; and

(4) shall make such arrangements as may be necessary to avoid duplication of programs providing for training and to insure consistent administration of the related Federal training activities, with particular regard to title I of the Higher Education Act of 1965 [20 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.].

(e) Additional authority

The provisions of this chapter are not a limitation on existing authorities under other statutes but are in addition to any such authorities, unless otherwise specifically provided in this chapter.

(Pub. L. 91–648, title V, §503, Jan. 5, 1971, 84 Stat. 1926; 1978 Reorg. Plan No. 2, §102, eff. Jan. 1, 1979, 43 F.R. 36037, 92 Stat. 3783.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

This chapter, referred to in text, means the provisions of subchapters I, II, III, and IV of this chapter. See section 4761 of this title.

The Higher Education Act of 1965, referred to in subsec. (d)(4), is Pub. L. 89–329, Nov. 8, 1965, 79 Stat. 1219. Title I of the Higher Education Act of 1965 is classified generally to subchapter I (§1001 et seq.) of chapter 28 of Title 20, Education. Title I as originally enacted by Pub. L. 89–329 related to community service and continuing education programs. Title I was amended generally by Pub. L. 96–374, Pub. L. 99–498, Pub. L. 102–325, and Pub. L. 105–244, and now contains general provisions. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 1001 of Title 20 and Tables.

Executive Documents

Transfer of Functions

"Office", meaning Office of Personnel Management, substituted for "Commission", meaning Civil Service Commission, in subsecs. (a) to (d) pursuant to Reorg. Plan No. 2 of 1978, §102, 43 F.R. 36037, 92 Stat. 3783, set out under section 1101 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees, which transferred functions vested by statute in Civil Service Commission and Chairman thereof to Director of Office of Personnel Management (except as otherwise specified), effective Jan. 1, 1979, as provided by section 1–102 of Ex. Ord. No. 12107, Dec. 28, 1978, 44 F.R. 1055, set out under section 1101 of Title 5.

§4764. Reporting and recordkeeping requirements for State or local governments and other organizations

(a) A State or local government office designated to administer a program or project under this chapter shall make reports and evaluations in such form, at such times, and containing such information concerning the status and application of Federal funds and the operation of the approved program or project as the Office may require, and shall keep and make available such records as may be required by the Office for the verification of such reports and evaluations.

(b) An organization which receives a training grant under section 4744 of this title shall make reports and evaluations in such form, at such times, and containing such information concerning the status and application of Federal grant funds and the operation of the training program as the Office may require, and shall keep and make available such records as may be required by the Office for the verification of such reports and evaluations.

(Pub. L. 91–648, title V, §504, Jan. 5, 1971, 84 Stat. 1926; 1978 Reorg. Plan No. 2, §102, eff. Jan. 1, 1979, 43 F.R. 36037, 92 Stat. 3783.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

This chapter, referred to in subsec. (a), means the provisions of subchapters I, II, III, and IV of this chapter. See section 4761 of this title.

Executive Documents

Transfer of Functions

"Office", meaning Office of Personnel Management, substituted in text for "Commission", meaning Civil Service Commission, pursuant to Reorg. Plan No. 2 of 1978, §102, 43 F.R. 36037, 92 Stat. 3783, set out under section 1101 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees, which transferred functions vested by statute in Civil Service Commission and Chairman thereof to Director of Office of Personnel Management (except as otherwise specified), effective Jan. 1, 1979, as provided by section 1–102 of Ex. Ord. No. 12107, Dec. 28, 1978, 44 F.R. 1055, set out under section 1101 of Title 5.

§4765. Review and audit

The Office, the head of the Federal agency concerned, and the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly authorized representatives, shall have access, for the purpose of audit and examination, to any books, documents, papers, and records of a grant recipient that are pertinent to the grant received.

(Pub. L. 91–648, title V, §505, Jan. 5, 1971, 84 Stat. 1927; 1978 Reorg. Plan No. 2, §102, eff. Jan. 1, 1979, 43 F.R. 36037, 92 Stat. 3783.)

Executive Documents

Transfer of Functions

"Office", meaning Office of Personnel Management, substituted in text for "Commission", meaning Civil Service Commission, pursuant to Reorg. Plan No. 2 of 1978, §102, 43 F.R. 36037, 92 Stat. 3783, set out under section 1101 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees, which transferred functions vested by statute in Civil Service Commission and Chairman thereof to Director of Office of Personnel Management (except as otherwise specified), effective Jan. 1, 1979, as provided by section 1–102 of Ex. Ord. No. 12107, Dec. 28, 1978, 44 F.R. 1055, set out under section 1101 of Title 5.

§4766. Distribution of grants

(a) State and local government allocations; equitable distribution

The Office shall allocate 20 per centum of the total amount available for grants under this chapter in such manner as will most nearly provide an equitable distribution of the grants among States and between State and local governments, taking into consideration such factors as the size of the population, number of employees affected, the urgency of the programs or projects, the need for funds to carry out the purposes of this chapter, and the potential of the governmental jurisdictions concerned to use the funds most effectively.

(b) Weighted formula; minimum allocation; reallocation; "State" defined

(1) The Office shall allocate 80 per centum of the total amount available for grants under this chapter among the States on a weighted formula taking into consideration such factors as the size of population and the number of State and local government employees affected.

(2) The amount allocated for each State under paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be further allocated by the Office to meet the needs of both the State government and the local governments within the State on a weighted formula taking into consideration such factors as the number of State and local government employees and the amount of State and local government expenditures. The Office shall determine the categories of employees and expenditures to be included or excluded, as the case may be, in the number of employees and amount of expenditures. The minimum allocation for meeting needs of local governments in each State (other than the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, and the Virgin Islands) shall be 50 per centum of the amount allocated for the State under paragraph (1) of this subsection.

(3) The amount of any allocation under paragraph (2) of this subsection which the Office determines, on the basis of information available to it, will not be used to meet needs for which allocated shall be available for use to meet the needs of the State government or local governments in that State, as the case may be, on such date or dates as the Office may fix.

(4) The amount allocated for any State under paragraph (1) of this subsection which the Office determines, on the basis of information available to it, will not be used shall be available for reallocation by the Office from time to time, on such date or dates as it may fix, among other States with respect to which such a determination has not been made, in accordance with the formula set forth in paragraph (1) of this subsection, but with such amount for any of such other States being reduced to the extent it exceeds the sum the Office estimates said State needs and will be able to use; and the total of such reductions shall be similarly reallocated among the States whose proportionate amounts were not so reduced.

(5) For the purposes of this subsection, "State" means the several States of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, and the Virgin Islands.

(c) Payment limitation

Notwithstanding the other provisions of this section, the total of the payments from the appropriations for any fiscal year under this chapter made with respect to programs or projects in any one State may not exceed an amount equal to 12½ per centum of such appropriation.

(Pub. L. 91–648, title V, §506, Jan. 5, 1971, 84 Stat. 1927; Pub. L. 95–454, title VI, §602(e), Oct. 13, 1978, 92 Stat. 1189; 1978 Reorg. Plan No. 2, §102, eff. Jan. 1, 1979, 43 F.R. 36037, 92 Stat. 3783.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

This chapter, referred to in subsecs. (a), (b)(1), and (c), means the provisions of subchapters I, II, III, and IV of this chapter. See section 4761 of this title.


1978—Subsec. (b)(2), (5). Pub. L. 95–454 inserted references to Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, and the Virgin Islands.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of 1978 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 95–454 effective 90 days after Oct. 13, 1978, see section 907 of Pub. L. 95–454, set out as a note under section 1101 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.

Executive Documents

Transfer of Functions

"Office", meaning Office of Personnel Management, substituted for "Commission", meaning Civil Service Commission, in subsecs. (a) and (b), pursuant to Reorg. Plan No. 2 of 1978, §102, 43 F.R. 36037, 92 Stat. 3783, set out under section 1101 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees, which transferred functions vested by statute in Civil Service Commission and Chairman thereof to Director of Office of Personnel Management (except as otherwise specified), effective Jan. 1, 1979, as provided by section 1–102 of Ex. Ord. No. 12107, Dec. 28, 1978, 44 F.R. 1055, set out under section 1101 of Title 5.

§4767. Termination of grants

Whenever the Office, after giving reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing to the State or general local government concerned, finds—

(1) that a program or project has been so changed that it no longer complies with the provisions of this chapter; or

(2) that in the operation of the program or project there is a failure to comply substantially with any such provision;

the Office shall notify the State or general local government of its findings and no further payments may be made to such government by the Office until it is satisfied that such noncompliance has been, or will promptly be, corrected. However, the Office may authorize the continuance of payments to those projects approved under this chapter which are not involved in the noncompliance.

(Pub. L. 91–648, title V, §507, Jan. 5, 1971, 84 Stat. 1928; 1978 Reorg. Plan No. 2, §102, eff. Jan. 1, 1979, 43 F.R. 36037, 92 Stat. 3783.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

This chapter, referred to in text, means the provisions of subchapters I, II, III, and IV of this chapter. See section 4761 of this title.

Executive Documents

Transfer of Functions

"Office", meaning Office of Personnel Management, substituted in text for "Commission", meaning Civil Service Commission, pursuant to Reorg. Plan No. 2 of 1978, §102, 43 F.R. 36037, 92 Stat. 3783, set out under section 1101 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees, which transferred functions vested by statute in Civil Service Commission and Chairman thereof to Director of Office of Personnel Management (except as otherwise specified), effective Jan. 1, 1979, as provided by section 1–102 of Ex. Ord. No. 12107, Dec. 28, 1978, 44 F.R. 1055, set out under section 1101 of Title 5.

§4768. Advisory committees; appointment; compensation and travel expenses

(a) The Office may appoint, without regard to the provisions of title 5 governing appointments in the competitive service, such advisory committee or committees as it may determine to be necessary to facilitate the administration of this chapter.

(b) Members of advisory committees who are not regular full-time employees of the United States, while serving on the business of the committees including traveltime may receive compensation at rates not exceeding the daily rate for GS–18; and while so serving away from their homes or regular places of business may be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, as authorized by section 5703 of title 5 for individuals in the Government service employed intermittently.

(Pub. L. 91–648, title V, §508, Jan. 5, 1971, 84 Stat. 1928; 1978 Reorg. Plan No. 2, §102, eff. Jan. 1, 1979, 43 F.R. 36037, 92 Stat. 3783.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

This chapter, referred to in subsec. (a), means the provisions of subchapters I, II, III, and IV of this chapter. See section 4761 of this title.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Termination of Advisory Committees

Advisory committees in existence on Jan. 5, 1973, to terminate not later than the expiration of the 2-year period following Jan. 5, 1973, unless, in the case of a committee established by the President or an officer of the Federal Government, such committee is renewed by appropriate action prior to the expiration of such 2-year period, or in the case of a committee established by the Congress, its duration is otherwise provided by law. Advisory committees established after Jan. 5, 1973, to terminate not later than the expiration of the 2-year period beginning on the date of their establishment, unless, in the case of a committee established by the President or an officer of the Federal Government, such committee is renewed by appropriate action prior to the expiration of such 2-year period, or in the case of a committee established by the Congress, its duration is otherwise provided by law. See section 1013 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.

References in Other Laws to GS–16, 17, or 18 Pay Rates

References in laws to the rates of pay for GS–16, 17, or 18, or to maximum rates of pay under the General Schedule, to be considered references to rates payable under specified sections of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees, see section 529 [title I, §101(c)(1)] of Pub. L. 101–509, set out in a note under section 5376 of Title 5.

Executive Documents

Transfer of Functions

"Office", meaning Office of Personnel Management, substituted for "Commission", meaning Civil Service Commission, in subsec. (a) pursuant to Reorg. Plan No. 2 of 1978, §102, 43 F.R. 36037, 92 Stat. 3783, set out under section 1101 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees, which transferred functions vested by statute in Civil Service Commission and Chairman thereof to Director of Office of Personnel Management (except as otherwise specified), effective Jan. 1, 1979, as provided by section 1–102 of Ex. Ord. No. 12107, Dec. 28, 1978, 44 F.R. 1055, set out under section 1101 of Title 5.

§4769. Authorization of appropriations

There are authorized to be appropriated, without fiscal year limitation, such sums as may be necessary to carry out the programs authorized by this chapter.

(Pub. L. 91–648, title V, §509, Jan. 5, 1971, 84 Stat. 1928.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

This chapter, referred to in text, means the provisions of subchapters I, II, III, and IV of this chapter. See section 4761 of this title.

§4770. Limitations on availability of funds for cost sharing

Federal funds made available to State or local governments under other programs may not be used by the State or local government for cost-sharing purposes under grant provisions of this chapter, except that Federal funds of a program financed wholly by Federal funds may be used to pay a pro-rata share of such cost sharing. State or local government funds used for cost sharing on other federally assisted programs may not be used for cost sharing under grant provisions of this chapter.

(Pub. L. 91–648, title V, §511, Jan. 5, 1971, 84 Stat. 1928.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

This chapter, referred to in text, means the provisions of subchapters I, II, III, and IV of this chapter. See section 4761 of this title.

§4771. Method of payment; installments; advances or reimbursement; adjustments

Payments under this chapter may be made in installments, and in advance or by way of reimbursement, as the Office may determine, with necessary adjustments on account of overpayments or underpayments.

(Pub. L. 91–648, title V, §512, Jan. 5, 1971, 84 Stat. 1929; 1978 Reorg. Plan No. 2, §102, eff. Jan. 1, 1979, 43 F.R. 36037, 92 Stat. 3783.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

This chapter, referred to in text, means the provisions of subchapters I, II, III, and IV of this chapter. See section 4761 of this title.

Executive Documents

Transfer of Functions

"Office", meaning Office of Personnel Management, substituted in text for "Commission", meaning Civil Service Commission, pursuant to Reorg. Plan No. 2 of 1978, §102, 43 F.R. 36037, 92 Stat. 3783, set out under section 1101 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees, which transferred functions vested by statute in Civil Service Commission and Chairman thereof to Director of Office of Personnel Management (except as otherwise specified), effective Jan. 1, 1979, as provided by section 1–102 of Ex. Ord. No. 12107, Dec. 28, 1978, 44 F.R. 1055, set out under section 1101 of Title 5.

§4772. Effective date of grant provisions

Grant provisions of this chapter shall become effective one hundred and eighty days following January 5, 1971.

(Pub. L. 91–648, title V, §513, Jan. 5, 1971, 84 Stat. 1929.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

This chapter, referred to in text, means the provisions of subchapters I, II, III, and IV of this chapter. See section 4761 of this title.