Part F—General Provisions
Editorial Notes
§9571. Interagency data sources and formats
The Secretary, in consultation with the Director, shall ensure that the Department and the Institute use common sources of data in standardized formats.
§9572. Prohibitions
(a) National database
Nothing in this subchapter may be construed to authorize the establishment of a nationwide database of individually identifiable information on individuals involved in studies or other collections of data under this subchapter.
(b) Federal Government and use of Federal funds
Nothing in this subchapter may be construed to authorize an officer or employee of the Federal Government to mandate, direct, or control the curriculum, program of instruction, or allocation of State or local resources of a State, local educational agency, or school, or to mandate a State, or any subdivision thereof, to spend any funds or incur any costs not provided for under this subchapter.
(c) Endorsement of curriculum
Notwithstanding any other provision of Federal law, no funds provided under this subchapter to the Institute, including any office, board, committee, or center of the Institute, may be used by the Institute to endorse, approve, or sanction any curriculum designed to be used in an elementary school or secondary school.
(d) Federally sponsored testing
(1) In general
Subject to paragraph (2), no funds provided under this subchapter to the Secretary or to the recipient of any award may be used to develop, pilot test, field test, implement, administer, or distribute any federally sponsored national test in reading, mathematics, or any other subject, unless specifically and explicitly authorized by law.
(2) Exceptions
Subsection (a) shall not apply to international comparative assessments developed under the authority of
Editorial Notes
References in Text
§9573. Confidentiality
(a) In general
All collection, maintenance, use, and wide dissemination of data by the Institute, including each office, board, committee, and center of the Institute, shall conform with the requirements of
(b) Student information
The Director shall ensure that all individually identifiable information about students, their academic achievements, their families, and information with respect to individual schools, shall remain confidential in accordance with
(c) Confidentiality standards
(1) In general
(A) The Director shall develop and enforce standards designed to protect the confidentiality of persons in the collection, reporting, and publication of data under this subchapter.
(B) This section shall not be construed to protect the confidentiality of information about institutions, organizations, and agencies that receive grants from, or have contracts or cooperative agreements with, the Federal Government.
(2) Prohibition
No person may—
(A) use any individually identifiable information furnished under this subchapter for any purpose other than a research, statistics, or evaluation purpose under this subchapter;
(B) make any publication whereby the data furnished by any particular person under this subchapter can be identified; or
(C) permit anyone other than the individuals authorized by the Director to examine the individual reports.
(d) Administration
(1) In general
(A) Disclosure
No Federal department, bureau, agency, officer, or employee and no recipient of a Federal grant, contract, or cooperative agreement may, for any reason, require the Director, any Commissioner of a National Education Center, or any other employee of the Institute to disclose individually identifiable information that has been collected or retained under this subchapter.
(B) Immunity
Individually identifiable information collected or retained under this subchapter shall be immune from legal process and shall not, without the consent of the individual concerned, be admitted as evidence or used for any purpose in any action, suit, or other judicial or administrative proceeding.
(C) Application
This paragraph does not apply to requests for individually identifiable information submitted by or on behalf of the individual identified in the information.
(2) Employee or staff violations
Whoever, being or having been an employee or staff member of the Department, having taken or subscribed the oath of office, or having sworn to observe the limitations imposed by subsection (c)(2), knowingly publishes or communicates any individually identifiable information (as defined in paragraph (5)(A)), the disclosure of which is prohibited by subsection (c)(2), and that comes into such employee or staff's possession by reason of employment (or otherwise providing services) under this subchapter, shall be found guilty of a class E felony and imprisoned for not more than five years, or fined as specified in
(3) Temporary staff
The Director may utilize temporary staff, including employees of Federal, State, or local agencies or instrumentalities (including local educational agencies), and employees of private organizations to assist the Director in performing the Director's responsibilities, but only if such temporary staff are sworn to observe the limitations imposed by this section.
(4) Information requirements
No collection of information or data acquisition activity undertaken by the Director shall be subject to any review, coordination, or approval procedure except as required by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget under the rules and regulations established pursuant to
(5) Definitions
For the purposes of this section—
(A) the term "individually identifiable information" means any record, response form, completed survey, or aggregation thereof from which information about particular individuals may be revealed; and
(B) the term "report" means a response provided by or about an individual to an inquiry from the Director and does not include a statistical aggregation from which individually identifiable information cannot be revealed.
(6) Violations
Any person who uses any data provided by the Director, in conjunction with any other information or technique, to identify any individual student, teacher, administrator, or other individual and who knowingly discloses, publishes, or uses such data for a purpose other than a statistical purpose, or who otherwise violates subparagraph (A) or (B) of subsection (c)(2), shall be found guilty of a class E felony and imprisoned for not more than five years, or fined as specified in
(7) Access to reports or records
Nothing in this section shall restrict the right of the Secretary, the Comptroller General of the United States, the Director of the Congressional Budget Office, and the Librarian of Congress, to gain access to any reports or other records, including information identifying individuals, in the Director's possession, except that the same restrictions on disclosure that apply under paragraphs (1) and (6) shall apply to such individuals.
(e) Investigation and prosecution of terrorism
(1) In general
Notwithstanding subsections (a) and (b), the Attorney General (or any Federal officer or employee, in a position not lower than an Assistant Attorney General, designated by the Attorney General) may submit a written application to a court of competent jurisdiction for an ex parte order requiring the Secretary to permit the Attorney General (or his designee) to—
(A) collect reports, records, and information (including individually identifiable information) in the possession of the Director that are relevant to an authorized investigation or prosecution of an offense listed in
(B) for official purposes related to the investigation or prosecution of an offense described in paragraph (1)(A), retain, disseminate, and use (including as evidence at trial or in other administrative or judicial proceedings) such information, consistent with such guidelines as the Attorney General, after consultation with the Secretary, shall issue to protect confidentiality.
(2) Application and approval
(B) The court shall issue an order described in paragraph (1) if the court finds that the application for the order includes the certification described in subparagraph (A).
(3) Protection
An officer or employee of the Department who, in good faith, produces information in accordance with an order issued under this subsection does not violate subsection (b)(2) 1 and shall not be liable to any person for that production.
Editorial Notes
Subsecs. (a) to (c) of
2002—Subsecs. (c) to (e).
1 So in original. Probably means subsection (d)(2).
§9574. Availability of data
Subject to
§9575. Performance management
The Director shall ensure that all activities conducted or supported by the Institute or a National Education Center make customer service a priority. The Director shall ensure a high level of customer satisfaction through the following methods:
(1) Establishing and improving feedback mechanisms in order to anticipate customer needs.
(2) Disseminating information in a timely fashion and in formats that are easily accessible and usable by researchers, practitioners, and the general public.
(3) Utilizing the most modern technology and other methods available, including arrangements to use data collected electronically by States and local educational agencies, to ensure the efficient collection and timely distribution of information, including data and reports.
(4) Establishing and measuring performance against a set of indicators for the quality of data collected, analyzed, and reported.
(5) Continuously improving management strategies and practices.
(6) Making information available to the public in an expeditious fashion.
§9576. Authority to publish
(a) Publication
The Director may prepare and publish (including through oral presentation) such research, statistics (consistent with part C), and evaluation information and reports from any office, board, committee, and center of the Institute, as needed to carry out the priorities and mission of the Institute without the approval of the Secretary or any other office of the Department.
(b) Advance copies
The Director shall provide the Secretary and other relevant offices with an advance copy of any information to be published under this section before publication.
(c) Peer review
All research, statistics, and evaluation reports conducted by, or supported through, the Institute shall be subjected to rigorous peer review before being published or otherwise made available to the public.
(d) Items not covered
Nothing in subsections 1 (a), (b), or (c) shall be construed to apply to—
(1) information on current or proposed budgets, appropriations, or legislation;
(2) information prohibited from disclosure by law or the Constitution, classified national security information, or information described in
(3) review by officers of the United States in order to prevent the unauthorized disclosure of information described in paragraph (1) or (2).
1 So in original. Probably should be "subsection".
§9577. Vacancies
Any member appointed to fill a vacancy on the Board occurring before the expiration of the term for which the member's predecessor was appointed shall be appointed only for the remainder of that term. A vacancy in an office, board, committee, or center of the Institute shall be filled in the manner in which the original appointment was made. This section does not apply to employees appointed under
§9578. Scientific or technical employees
(a) In general
The Director may appoint, for terms not to exceed 6 years (without regard to the provisions of title 5 governing appointment in the competitive service) and may compensate (without regard to the provisions of
(1) at least 30 days prior to the appointment of any such employee, public notice is given of the availability of such position and an opportunity is provided for qualified individuals to apply and compete for such position;
(2) the rate of basic pay for such employees does not exceed the maximum rate of basic pay payable for positions at GS–15, as determined in accordance with
(3) the appointment of such employee is necessary (as determined by the Director on the basis of clear and convincing evidence) to provide the Institute or the office, board, committee, or center with scientific or technical expertise which could not otherwise be obtained by the Institute or the office, board, committee, or center through the competitive service; and
(4) the total number of such employees does not exceed 40 individuals or 1/5 of the number of full-time, regular scientific or professional employees of the Institute, whichever is greater.
(b) Duties of employees
All employees described in subsection (a) shall work on activities of the Institute or the office, board, committee, or center, and shall not be reassigned to other duties outside the Institute or the office, board, committee, or center during their term.
Editorial Notes
References in Text
GS–15, referred to in subsec. (a)(2), is contained in the General Schedule, which is set out under
Level III of the Executive Schedule, referred to in subsec. (a)(2), is set out in
Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries
References to Maximum Rate Under 5 U.S.C. 5376
For reference to maximum rate under
§9579. Fellowships
In order to strengthen the national capacity to carry out high-quality research, evaluation, and statistics related to education, the Director shall establish and maintain research, evaluation, and statistics fellowships in institutions of higher education (which may include the establishment of such fellowships in historically Black colleges and universities and other institutions of higher education with large numbers of minority students) that support graduate and postdoctoral study onsite at the Institute or at the institution of higher education. In establishing the fellowships, the Director shall ensure that women and minorities are actively recruited for participation.
§9580. Voluntary service
The Director may accept voluntary and uncompensated services to carry out and support activities that are consistent with the priorities and mission of the Institute.
§9581. Rulemaking
§9582. Copyright
Nothing in this Act shall be construed to affect the rights, remedies, limitations, or defense under title 17.
Editorial Notes
References in Text
This Act, referred to in text, means
§9583. Removal
(a) Presidential
The Director, each member of the Board, and the Commissioner for Education Statistics may be removed by the President prior to the expiration of the term of each such appointee.
(b) Director
Each Commissioner appointed by the Director pursuant to
§9584. Authorization of appropriations
(a) In general
There are authorized to be appropriated to administer and carry out this subchapter (except
(1) not less than the amount provided to the National Center for Education Statistics (as such Center was in existence on the day before November 5, 2002) for fiscal year 2002 shall be provided to the National Center for Education Statistics, as authorized under part C; and
(2) not more than the lesser of 2 percent of such funds or $1,000,000 shall be made available to carry out
(b) Regional educational laboratories
There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out
(c) Availability
Amounts made available under this section shall remain available until expended.