Part A—Modernizing Recreation Permitting
§8541. Permitting process improvements
(a) In general
To simplify the process of the issuance and or reissuance of special recreation permits and reduce the cost of administering special recreation permits under
(1) during the period beginning on January 1, 2021, and ending on January 1, 2025—
(A) evaluate the process for issuing special recreation permits; and
(B) based on the evaluation under subparagraph (A), identify opportunities to—
(i) eliminate duplicative processes with respect to issuing special recreation permits;
(ii) reduce costs for the issuance of special recreation permits;
(iii) decrease processing times for special recreation permits; and
(iv) issue simplified special recreation permits, including special recreation permits for an organized group recreation activity or event under subsection (e); and
(2) not later than 1 year after the date on which the Secretaries complete their respective evaluation and identification processes under paragraph (1), revise, as necessary, relevant agency regulations and guidance documents, including regulations and guidance documents relating to the environmental review process, for special recreation permits to implement the improvements identified under paragraph (1)(B).
(b) Environmental reviews
(1) In general
The Secretary concerned shall, to the maximum extent practicable, utilize available tools, including tiering to existing programmatic reviews, as appropriate, to facilitate an effective and efficient environmental review process for activities undertaken by the Secretary concerned relating to the issuance of special recreation permits.
(2) Categorical exclusions
Not later than 2 years after January 4, 2025, the Secretary concerned shall—
(A) evaluate whether existing categorical exclusions available to the Secretary concerned on January 4, 2025, are consistent with the provisions of this subchapter;
(B) evaluate whether a modification of an existing categorical exclusion or the establishment of 1 or more new categorical exclusions developed in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (
(C) revise relevant agency regulations and policy statements and guidance documents, as necessary, to modify existing categorical exclusions or incorporate new categorical exclusions based on evaluations conducted under this paragraph.
(c) Needs assessments
Except as required under subsection (c) or (d) of
(d) Online applications
Not later than 3 years after January 4, 2025, the Secretaries shall make the application for a special recreation permit under
(1) online;
(2) by mail or electronic mail; and
(3) in person at the field office for the applicable Federal recreational lands and waters.
(e) Special recreation permits for an organized group recreation activity or event
(1) Definitions
In this subsection:
(A) Special recreation permit for an organized group recreation activity or event
The term "special recreation permit for an organized group recreation activity or event" means a special recreation permit described in subclause (I) or (III) of paragraph (13)(A)(iii) of
(B) Youth group
The term "youth group" means a recreation service provider that predominantly serves individuals not older than 25 years of age.
(2) Exemption from certain allocations of use
If the Secretary concerned allocates visitor-use days available for an area or activity on Federal recreational lands and waters among recreation service providers that hold a permit described in paragraph (13)(A)(iv) of
(3) Issuance
In accordance with paragraphs (5) and (6), if use by the general public is not subject to a limited entry permit system and if capacity is available for the times or days in which the proposed activity or event would be undertaken, on request of a recreation service provider (including a youth group) to conduct an organized group recreation activity or event described in subclause (I) or (III) of paragraph (13)(A)(iii) of
(A) shall make a nominal effects determination to determine whether the proposed activity or event would have more than nominal effects on Federal recreational lands and waters, resources, and programs; and
(B)(i) shall not require a recreation service provider (including a youth group) to obtain a special recreation permit for an organized group recreation activity or event if the Secretary concerned determines—
(I) the proposed activity or event to be undertaken would have only nominal effects on Federal recreational lands and waters, resources, and programs; and
(II) establishing additional terms and conditions for the proposed activity or event is not necessary to protect or avoid conflict on or with Federal recreational lands and waters, resources, and programs;
(ii) in the case of an organized group recreation activity or event described in
(I) the proposed activity or event to be undertaken would have only nominal effects on Federal recreational lands and waters, resources, and programs; and
(II) establishing additional terms and conditions for the proposed activity or event is necessary to protect or avoid conflict on or with Federal recreational lands and waters, resources, and programs;
(iii) in the case of an organized group recreation activity or event described in
(I) the proposed activity or event to be undertaken would have only nominal effects on Federal recreational lands and waters, resources, and programs; and
(II) establishing additional terms and conditions for the proposed activity or event is necessary to protect or avoid conflict on or with Federal recreational lands and waters, resources, and programs; and
(iv) may issue to a recreation service provider (including a youth group) a special recreation permit for an organized group recreation activity or event, subject to any terms and conditions determined to be appropriate by the Secretary concerned, if the Secretary concerned determines—
(I) the proposed activity or event to be undertaken may have more than nominal effects on Federal recreational lands and waters, resources, and programs; and
(II) establishing additional terms and conditions for the proposed activity or event would be necessary to protect or avoid conflict on or with Federal recreational lands and waters, resources, and programs.
(4) Fees
The Secretary concerned may elect not to charge a fee to a recreation service provider (including a youth group) for a special recreation permit for an organized group recreation activity or event.
(5) Savings clause
Nothing in this subsection prevents the Secretary concerned from limiting or abating the allowance of a proposed activity or event under paragraph (3)(B)(i) or the issuance of a special recreation permit for an organized group recreation activity or event, based on resource conditions, administrative burdens, or safety issues.
(6) Qualifications
A special recreation permit for an organized group recreation activity or event issued under paragraph (3) shall be subject to the health and safety standards required by the Secretary concerned for a permit issued under paragraph (13)(A)(iv) of
Editorial Notes
References in Text
As amended by this title, referred to in subsecs. (a), (c), (d), (e)(1)(A), (2), (3), and (6), means as amended by title III of
This subchapter, referred to in subsec. (b)(2)(A), (B), was in the original "this title", meaning title III of
The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, referred to in subsec. (b)(2)(B), is
§8542. Permit flexibility
(a) In general
The Secretary concerned shall establish guidelines to allow a holder of a special recreation permit under subsection (h) of
(b) Criteria
For the purposes of this section, a recreational activity shall be considered to be a substantially similar recreational activity if the recreational activity—
(1) is comparable in type, nature, scope, and ecological setting to the specific activity authorized under the special recreation permit;
(2) does not result in a greater impact on natural and cultural resources than the impact of the authorized activity;
(3) does not adversely affect—
(A) any other holder of a special recreation permit or other permit; or
(B) any other authorized use of the Federal recreational lands and waters; and
(4) is consistent with—
(A) any applicable laws (including regulations); and
(B) the land management plan, resource management plan, or equivalent plan applicable to the Federal recreational lands and waters.
(c) Surrender of unused visitor-use days
(1) In general
A recreation service provider holding a special recreation permit described in paragraph (13)(A)(iv) of
(A) notify the Secretary concerned of an inability to use visitor-use days annually allocated to the recreation service provider under the special recreation permit; and
(B) surrender to the Secretary concerned the unused visitor-use days for the applicable year for temporary reassignment under
(2) Determination
To ensure a recreation service provider described in paragraph (1) is able to make an informed decision before surrendering any unused visitor-use day under paragraph (1)(B), the Secretary concerned shall, on the request of the applicable recreation service provider, determine and notify the recreation service provider whether the unused visitor-use day meets the requirement described in
(d) Effect
Nothing in this section affects any authority of, regulation issued by, or decision of the Secretary concerned relating to the use of electric bicycles on Federal recreational lands and waters under any other Federal law.
Editorial Notes
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As amended by this title, referred to in subsecs. (a) and (c)(1), means as amended by title III of
§8543. Permit administration
(a) Permit availability
(1) Notifications of permit availability
(A) In general
Except as provided in subparagraph (B), in an area of Federal recreational lands and waters in which use by recreation service providers is allocated, if the Secretary concerned determines that visitor-use days are available for allocation to recreation service providers or holders of a commercial use authorization for outfitting and guiding, the Secretary concerned shall publish that information on the website of the agency that administers the applicable area of Federal recreational lands and waters.
(B) Effect
Nothing in this paragraph—
(i) applies to—
(I) the reissuance of an existing special recreation permit or commercial use authorization for outfitting and guiding; or
(II) the issuance of a new special recreation permit or new commercial use authorization for outfitting and guiding issued to the purchaser of—
(aa) a recreation service provider that is the holder of an existing special recreation permit; or
(bb) a holder of an existing commercial use authorization for outfitting and guiding; or
(ii) creates a prerequisite to the issuance of a special recreation permit or commercial use authorization for outfitting and guiding or otherwise limits the authority of the Secretary concerned—
(I) to issue a new special recreation permit or new commercial use authorization for outfitting and guiding; or
(II) to add a new or additional use to an existing special recreation permit or an existing commercial use authorization for outfitting and guiding.
(2) Updates
The Secretary concerned shall ensure that information published on the website under this subsection is consistently updated to provide current and correct information to the public.
(3) Electronic mail notifications
The Secretary concerned shall establish a system by which potential applicants for special recreation permits or commercial use authorizations for outfitting and guiding may subscribe to receive notification by electronic mail of the availability of special recreation permits under
(b) Permit application or proposal acknowledgment
Not later than 60 days after the date on which the Secretary concerned receives a completed application or a complete proposal for a special recreation permit under
(1) provide to the applicant notice acknowledging receipt of the application or proposal; and
(2)(A) issue a final decision with respect to the application or proposal; or
(B) provide to the applicant notice of a projected date for a final decision on the application or proposal.
(c) Effect
Nothing in this section applies to a concession contract issued by the National Park Service for the provision of accommodations, facilities, or services.
Editorial Notes
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As amended by this title, referred to in subsecs. (a)(3) and (b), means as amended by title III of
§8544. Service First Initiative; permits for multijurisdictional trips
(a) Omitted
(b) Cooperative action and sharing of resources by the Secretaries of the Interior and Agriculture
(1) In general
For fiscal year 2024, and each fiscal year thereafter, the Secretaries may carry out an initiative, to be known as the "Service First Initiative", under which the Secretaries, or Federal land management agencies within their departments, may—
(A) establish programs to conduct projects, planning, permitting, leasing, contracting, and other activities, either jointly or on behalf of one another;
(B) co-locate in Federal offices and facilities leased by an agency of the Department of the Interior or the Department of Agriculture; and
(C) issue rules to test the feasibility of issuing unified permits, applications, and leases, subject to the limitations in this section.
(2) Delegations of authority
The Secretaries may make reciprocal delegations of the respective authorities, duties, and responsibilities of the Secretaries in support of the Service First Initiative agency-wide to promote customer service and efficiency.
(3) Effect
Nothing in this section alters, expands, or limits the applicability of any law (including regulations) to land administered by the Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, or the Forest Service or matters under the jurisdiction of any other bureaus or offices of the Department of the Interior or the Department of Agriculture, as applicable.
(4) Transfers of funding
Subject to the availability of appropriations and to facilitate the sharing of resources under the Service First Initiative, the Secretaries are authorized to mutually transfer funds between, or reimburse amounts expended from, appropriate accounts of either Department on an annual basis, including transfers and reimbursements for multiyear projects, except that this authority may not be used in a manner that circumvents requirements or limitations imposed on the use of any of the funds so transferred or reimbursed.
(5) Report
The Secretaries shall submit an annual report to the Committee on Natural Resources of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate describing the activities undertaken as part of the Service First Initiative in the prior year.
(c) Pilot program for special recreation permits for multijurisdictional trips
(1) In general
Not later than 2 years after January 4, 2025, the Secretaries shall establish a pilot program to offer to a person seeking an authorization for a multijurisdictional trip a set of separate special recreation permits or commercial use authorizations that authorizes the use of each unit of Federal recreational lands and waters on which the multijurisdictional trip occurs, subject to the authorities that apply to the applicable unit of Federal recreational lands and waters.
(2) Minimum number of permits
Not later than 4 years after January 4, 2025, the Secretaries shall issue not fewer than 10 sets of separate special recreation permits described in paragraph (13)(A)(iv) of
(3) Lead agencies
In carrying out the pilot program established under paragraph (1), the Secretaries shall—
(A) designate a lead agency for issuing and administering a set of separate special recreation permits or commercial use authorizations; and
(B) select not fewer than 4 offices at which a person shall be able to apply for a set of separate special recreation permits or commercial use authorizations, of which—
(i) not fewer than 2 offices are managed by the Secretary; and
(ii) not fewer than 2 offices are managed by the Secretary of Agriculture, acting through the Chief of the Forest Service.
(4) Retention of authority by the applicable Secretary
Each of the Secretaries shall retain the authority to enforce the terms, stipulations, conditions, and agreements in a set of separate special recreation permits or commercial use authorizations issued under the pilot program established under paragraph (1) that apply specifically to the use occurring on the Federal recreational lands and waters managed by the applicable Secretary, under the authorities that apply to the applicable Federal recreational lands and waters.
(5) Option to apply for separate special recreation permits or commercial use authorizations
A person seeking the appropriate permits or authorizations for a multijurisdictional trip may apply for—
(A) a separate special recreation permit or commercial use authorization for the use of each unit of Federal recreational lands and waters on which the multijurisdictional trip occurs; or
(B) a set of separate special recreational permits or commercial use authorizations made available under the pilot program established under paragraph (1).
(6) Effect
Nothing in this subsection applies to a concession contract issued by the National Park Service for the provision of accommodations, facilities, or services.
Editorial Notes
References in Text
As amended by this title, referred to in subsec. (c)(2), means as amended by title III of
Section is comprised of section 315 of
§8545. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management temporary special recreation permits for outfitting and guiding
(a) In general
Not later than 180 days after January 4, 2025, the Secretary concerned shall establish and implement a program to authorize the issuance of temporary special recreation permits for new or additional recreational uses of Federal recreational land and water managed by the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management.
(b) Term of temporary permits
A temporary special recreation permit issued under paragraph (1) 1 shall be issued for a period of not more than 2 years.
(c) Conversion to long-term permit
If the Secretary concerned determines that a permittee under paragraph (1) 1 has completed 2 years of satisfactory operation under the permit proposed to be converted, the Secretary may provide for the conversion of a temporary special recreation permit issued under paragraph (1) 1 to a long-term special recreation permit.
(d) Effect
Nothing in this subsection 2 alters or affects the authority of the Secretary to issue a special recreation permit under subsection (h)(1) of
Editorial Notes
References in Text
As amended by this title, referred to in subsec. (d), means as amended by title III of
1 So in original. Probably should be "subsection (a)".
2 So in original. Probably should be "this section".
§8546. Reviews for long-term permits
(a) Monitoring
The Secretary concerned shall monitor each recreation service provider issued a special recreation permit for compliance with the terms of the permit—
(1) not less than annually or as frequently as needed (as determined by the Secretary concerned), in the case of a temporary special recreation permit for outfitting and guiding issued under
(2) not less than once every 2 years or as frequently as needed (as determined by the Secretary concerned), in the case of a special recreation permit described in paragraph (13)(A)(iv)(I) of
(b) Use-of-allocation reviews
(1) In general
If the Secretary of Agriculture, acting through the Chief of the Forest Service, or the Secretary, as applicable, allocates visitor-use days among special recreation permits for outfitting and guiding, the Secretary of Agriculture, acting through the Chief of the Forest Service, shall, and the Secretary may, review the use by the recreation service provider of the visitor-use days allocated under a long-term special recreation permit described in paragraph (13)(A)(iv)(I) of
(2) Requirements of the review
In conducting a review under paragraph (1), the Secretary concerned shall determine—
(A) the number of visitor-use days that the recreation service provider used each year under the special recreation permit, in accordance with paragraph (3); and
(B) the year in which the recreation service provider used the most visitor-use days under the special recreation permit.
(3) Consideration of surrendered, unused visitor-use days
For the purposes of determining the number of visitor-use days a recreation service provider used in a specified year under paragraph (2)(A), the Secretary of Agriculture, acting through the Chief of the Forest Service, and the Secretary, as applicable, shall consider an unused visitor-use day that has been surrendered under
(A) 1/2 of a visitor-use day used; or
(B) 1 visitor-use day used, if the Secretary concerned determines the use of the allocated visitor-use day had been or will be prevented by a circumstance beyond the control of the recreation service provider.
Editorial Notes
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As amended by this title, referred to in subsecs. (a)(2) and (b)(1), means as amended by title III of
§8547. Adjustment of allocated visitor-use days
(a) Adjustments following use of allocation reviews
On the completion of a use-of-allocation review conducted under
(1) If the Secretary concerned determines that the performance of the recreation service provider was satisfactory during the most recent review conducted under subsection (a) of
(2) If the Secretary concerned determines the performance of the recreation service provider is less than satisfactory during the most recent performance review conducted under subsection (a) of
(b) Temporary reassignment of unused visitor-use days
The Secretary concerned may temporarily assign unused visitor-use days, made available under
(1) any other existing or potential recreation service provider, notwithstanding the number of visitor-use days allocated to the special recreation permit holder under the special recreation permit held or to be held by the recreation service provider; or
(2) any existing or potential holder of a special recreation permit described in clause (i) or (iii) of paragraph (13)(A) of
(c) Additional capacity
If unallocated visitor-use days are available, the Secretary concerned may, at any time, amend a special recreation permit to allocate additional visitor-use days to a qualified recreation service provider.
Editorial Notes
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As amended by this title, referred to in subsecs. (a) and (b)(2), means as amended by title III of
§8548. Liability
(a) Insurance requirements
(1) In general
Except as provided in paragraph (2), as a condition of issuing a special recreation permit under subsection (h)(1)(B) of
(A) is commensurate with the level of risk of the activities to be conducted under the special recreation permit or commercial use authorization; and
(B) includes the United States as an additional insured in an endorsement to the applicable policy.
(2) Exception
The Secretary concerned shall not require a holder of a special recreation permit or commercial use authorization for low-risk activities, as determined by the Secretary concerned, including commemorative ceremonies and participation by the public in a recreation activity or recreation use of a specific area of Federal recreational lands and waters in which use by the public is allocated, to comply with the requirements of paragraph (1).
(b) Indemnification by governmental entities
The Secretary concerned shall not require a State, State agency, State institution, or political subdivision of a State to indemnify the United States for tort liability as a condition for issuing a special recreation permit or commercial use authorization to the extent the State, State agency, State institution, or political subdivision of a State is precluded by State law from providing indemnification to the United States for tort liability, if the State, State agency, State institution, or political subdivision of the State maintains the minimum amount of liability insurance coverage required by the Federal land management agency for the activities conducted under the special recreation permit or commercial use authorization in the form of—
(1) a commercial general liability insurance policy, which includes the United States as an additional insured in an endorsement to the policy, if the State is authorized to obtain commercial general liability insurance by State law;
(2) self-insurance, which covers the United States as an additional insured, if authorized by State law; or
(3) a combination of the coverage described in paragraphs (1) and (2).
(c) Exculpatory agreements
(1) In general
Except as provided in paragraph (2), a Federal land management agency shall not implement, administer, or enforce any regulation, guidance, or policy prohibiting the use of an exculpatory agreement between a recreation service provider or a holder of a commercial use authorization and a customer relating to services provided under a special recreation permit or a commercial use authorization.
(2) Requirements
Any exculpatory agreement used by a recreation service provider or holder of a commercial use authorization for an activity authorized under a special recreation permit or commercial use authorization—
(A) shall shield the United States from any liability, if otherwise allowable under Federal law; and
(B) shall not waive any liability of the recreation service provider or holder of the commercial use authorization that may not be waived under the laws (including common law) of the applicable State or for gross negligence, recklessness, or willful misconduct.
(3) Consistency
Not later than 2 years after January 4, 2025, the Secretaries shall—
(A) review the policies of the Secretaries pertaining to the use of exculpatory agreements by recreation service providers and holders of commercial use authorizations; and
(B) revise any policy described in subparagraph (A) as necessary to make the policies of the Secretaries pertaining to the use of exculpatory agreements by recreation service providers and holders of commercial use authorizations consistent with this subsection and across all Federal recreational lands and waters.
(d) Effect
Nothing in this section applies to a concession contract issued by the National Park Service for the provision of accommodations, facilities, or services.
Editorial Notes
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As amended by this title, referred to in subsec. (a)(1), means as amended by title III of
§8549. Cost recovery reform
(a) Cost recovery for special recreation permits
In addition to a fee collected under
(1) processing a proposal or application for the special recreation permit;
(2) issuing the special recreation permit; and
(3) monitoring the special recreation permit to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of the special recreation permit.
(b) De minimis exemption from cost recovery
If the administrative costs described in subsection (a) are assessed on an hourly basis, the Secretary concerned shall—
(1) establish an hourly de minimis threshold that exempts a specified number of hours from the assessment and collection of administrative costs described in subsection (a); and
(2) charge an applicant only for any hours that exceed the de minimis threshold.
(c) Multiple applications
If the Secretary concerned collectively processes multiple applications for special recreation permits for the same or similar services in the same unit of Federal recreational lands and waters, the Secretary concerned shall, to the extent practicable—
(1) assess from the applicants the fee described in subsection (a) on a prorated basis; and
(2) apply the exemption described in subsection (b) to each applicant on an individual basis.
(d) Limitation
The Secretary concerned shall not assess or collect administrative costs under this section for a programmatic environmental review.
(e) Cost reduction
To the maximum extent practicable, the agency processing an application for a special recreation permit shall use existing studies and analysis to reduce the quantity of work and costs necessary to process the application.
§8550. Savings provision
Nothing in this part, or in any amendment made by this part, shall be construed as affecting the authority or responsibility of the Secretary of the Interior to award concessions contracts for the provision of accommodations, facilities, and services, or commercial use authorizations to provide services, to visitors to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service refuges or units of the National Park System pursuant to subchapter II of
Editorial Notes
References in Text
This part, referred to in text, was in the original "this subtitle" meaning subtitle A (§§311–323) of title III of
The National Park Service Concessions Management Improvement Act of 1998, referred to in text, is title IV of