50 USC 2423: Counterintelligence programs
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50 USC 2423: Counterintelligence programs Text contains those laws in effect on March 7, 2025

§2423. Counterintelligence programs

(a) National security laboratories and nuclear weapons production facilities

The Secretary of Energy shall, at each national security laboratory and nuclear weapons production facility, establish and maintain a counterintelligence program adequate to protect national security information at that laboratory or production facility.

(b) Other facilities

The Secretary of Energy shall, at each Department facility not described in subsection (a) at which Restricted Data is located, assign an employee of the Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence of the Department of Energy who shall be responsible for and assess counterintelligence matters at that facility.

( Pub. L. 106–65, div. C, title XXXII, §3233, Oct. 5, 1999, 113 Stat. 961 ; Pub. L. 109–364, div. C, title XXXI, §3117(a)(2)(C), (c), Oct. 17, 2006, 120 Stat. 2507 , 2508; Pub. L. 111–84, div. C, title XXXI, §3121, Oct. 28, 2009, 123 Stat. 2710 ; Pub. L. 116–92, div. E, title LXVII, §6744(a), Dec. 20, 2019, 133 Stat. 2241 .)

Editorial Notes


2019-Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 116–92 substituted "Department facility" for "Administration facility" and inserted "Intelligence and" after "the Office of".

2009-Pub. L. 111–84 amended Pub. L. 109–364, §3117(a), see 2006 Amendment note below.

2006-Pub. L. 109–364, §3117(a), which, in par. (2), directed amendment of this section by substituting "Administrator" for "Secretary of Energy" in subsecs. (a) and (b) and "Administration" for "Office of Counterintelligence of the Department of Energy" in subsec. (b), effective Sept. 30, 2010, was amended generally by Pub. L. 111–84, and as so amended, no longer contains a par. (2) or amends this section.

Pub. L. 109–364, §3117(c), substituted "Secretary of Energy" for "Administrator" in subsecs. (a) and (b) and "Office of Counterintelligence of the Department of Energy" for "Office of Defense Nuclear Counterintelligence" in subsec. (b).

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date

Section effective Mar. 1, 2000, see section 3299 of Pub. L. 106–65, set out as a note under section 2401 of this title.