42 USC 290ee-7: Comprehensive opioid recovery centers
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42 USC 290ee-7: Comprehensive opioid recovery centers Text contains those laws in effect on October 16, 2024

§290ee–7. Comprehensive opioid recovery centers

(a) In general

The Secretary shall award grants on a competitive basis to eligible entities to establish or operate a comprehensive opioid recovery center (referred to in this section as a "Center"). A Center may be a single entity or an integrated delivery network.

(b) Grant period

(1) In general

A grant awarded under subsection (a) shall be for a period of not less than 3 years and not more than 5 years.

(2) Renewal

A grant awarded under subsection (a) may be renewed, on a competitive basis, for additional periods of time, as determined by the Secretary. In determining whether to renew a grant under this paragraph, the Secretary shall consider the data submitted under subsection (h).

(c) Minimum number of Centers

The Secretary shall allocate the amounts made available under subsection (j) such that not fewer than 10 grants may be awarded. Not more than one grant shall be made to entities in a single State for any one period.

(d) Application

(1) Eligible entity

An entity is eligible for a grant under this section if the entity offers treatment and other services for individuals with a substance use disorder.

(2) Submission of application

In order to be eligible for a grant under subsection (a), an entity shall submit an application to the Secretary at such time and in such manner as the Secretary may require. Such application shall include-

(A) evidence that such entity carries out, or is capable of coordinating with other entities to carry out, the activities described in subsection (g); and

(B) such other information as the Secretary may require.

(e) Priority

In awarding grants under subsection (a), the Secretary shall give priority to eligible entities-

(1) located in a State with an age-adjusted rate of drug overdose deaths that is above the national overdose mortality rate, as determined by the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; or

(2) serving an Indian Tribe (as defined in section 5304 of title 25) with an age-adjusted rate of drug overdose deaths that is above the national overdose mortality rate, as determined through appropriate mechanisms determined by the Secretary in consultation with Indian Tribes.

(f) Preference

In awarding grants under subsection (a), the Secretary may give preference to eligible entities utilizing technology-enabled collaborative learning and capacity building models, including such models as defined in section 2 of the Expanding Capacity for Health Outcomes Act (Public Law 114–270; 130 Stat. 1395), to conduct the activities described in this section.

(g) Center activities

Each Center shall, at a minimum, carry out the following activities directly, through referral, or through contractual arrangements, which may include carrying out such activities through technology-enabled collaborative learning and capacity building models described in subsection (f):

(1) Treatment and recovery services

Each Center shall-

(A) Ensure that intake, evaluations, and periodic patient assessments meet the individualized clinical needs of patients, including by reviewing patient placement in treatment settings to support meaningful recovery.

(B) Provide the full continuum of treatment services, including-

(i) all drugs and devices approved or cleared under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and all biological products licensed under section 262 of this title to treat substance use disorders or reverse overdoses, pursuant to Federal and State law;

(ii) medically supervised withdrawal management, that includes patient evaluation, stabilization, and readiness for and entry into treatment;

(iii) counseling provided by a program counselor or other certified professional who is licensed and qualified by education, training, or experience to assess the psychological and sociological background of patients, to contribute to the appropriate treatment plan for the patient, and to monitor patient progress;

(iv) treatment, as appropriate, for patients with co-occurring substance use and mental disorders;

(v) testing, as appropriate, for infections commonly associated with illicit drug use;

(vi) residential rehabilitation, and outpatient and intensive outpatient programs;

(vii) recovery housing;

(viii) community-based and peer recovery support services;

(ix) job training, job placement assistance, and continuing education assistance to support reintegration into the workforce; and

(x) other best practices to provide the full continuum of treatment and services, as determined by the Secretary.

(C) Ensure that all programs covered by the Center include medication-assisted treatment, as appropriate, and do not exclude individuals receiving medication-assisted treatment from any service.

(D) Periodically conduct patient assessments to support sustained and clinically significant recovery, as defined by the Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use.

(E) Provide onsite access to medication, as appropriate, and toxicology services; for purposes of carrying out this section.

(F) Operate a secure, confidential, and interoperable electronic health information system.

(G) Offer family support services such as child care, family counseling, and parenting interventions to help stabilize families impacted by substance use disorder, as appropriate.

(2) Outreach

Each Center shall carry out outreach activities regarding the services offered through the Centers, which may include-

(A) training and supervising outreach staff, as appropriate, to work with State and local health departments, health care providers, the Indian Health Service, State and local educational agencies, schools funded by the Indian Bureau of Education, institutions of higher education, State and local workforce development boards, State and local community action agencies, public safety officials, first responders, Indian Tribes, child welfare agencies, as appropriate, and other community partners and the public, including patients, to identify and respond to community needs;

(B) ensuring that the entities described in subparagraph (A) are aware of the services of the Center; and

(C) disseminating and making publicly available, including through the internet, evidence-based resources that educate professionals and the public on opioid use disorder and other substance use disorders, including co-occurring substance use and mental disorders.

(h) Data reporting and program oversight

With respect to a grant awarded under subsection (a), not later than 90 days after the end of the first year of the grant period, and annually thereafter for the duration of the grant period (including the duration of any renewal period for such grant), the entity shall submit data, as appropriate, to the Secretary regarding-

(1) the programs and activities funded by the grant;

(2) health outcomes of the population of individuals with a substance use disorder who received services from the Center, evaluated by an independent program evaluator through the use of outcomes measures, as determined by the Secretary;

(3) the retention rate of program participants; and

(4) any other information that the Secretary may require for the purpose of-ensuring 1 that the Center is complying with all the requirements of the grant, including providing the full continuum of services described in subsection (g)(1)(B).

(i) Privacy

The provisions of this section, including with respect to data reporting and program oversight, shall be subject to all applicable Federal and State privacy laws.

(j) Authorization of appropriations

There is authorized to be appropriated $10,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2019 through 2023 for purposes of carrying out this section.

(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title V, §552, as added Pub. L. 115–271, title VII, §7121(a), Oct. 24, 2018, 132 Stat. 4043 .)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

Section 2 of the Expanding Capacity for Health Outcomes Act, referred to in subsec. (f), is section 2 of Pub. L. 114–270, Dec. 14, 2016, 130 Stat. 1395 , which is not classified to the Code.

The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, referred to in subsec. (g)(1)(B)(i), is act June 25, 1938, ch. 675, 52 Stat. 1040 , which is classified generally to chapter 9 (§301 et seq.) of Title 21, Food and Drugs. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see section 301 of Title 21 and Tables.

1 So in original.