42 USC 17336: Deployment of international clean and efficient energy technologies and investment in global energy markets
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42 USC 17336: Deployment of international clean and efficient energy technologies and investment in global energy markets Text contains those laws in effect on October 16, 2024

§17336. Deployment of international clean and efficient energy technologies and investment in global energy markets

(a) Task Force

(1) Establishment

Not later than 90 days after December 19, 2007, the President shall establish a Task Force on International Cooperation for Clean and Efficient Energy Technologies (in this section referred to as the "Task Force").

(2) Composition

The Task Force shall be composed of representatives, appointed by the head of the respective Federal department or agency, of-

(A) the Council on Environmental Quality;

(B) the Department of Energy;

(C) the Department of Commerce;

(D) the Department of the Treasury;

(E) the Department of State;

(F) the Environmental Protection Agency;

(G) the United States Agency for International Development;

(H) the Export-Import Bank of the United States;

(I) the United States International Development Finance Corporation;

(J) the Trade and Development Agency;

(K) the Small Business Administration;

(L) the Office of the United States Trade Representative; and

(M) other Federal departments and agencies, as determined by the President.

(3) Chairperson

The President shall designate a Chairperson or Co-Chairpersons of the Task Force.

(4) Duties

The Task Force-

(A) shall develop and assist in the implementation of the strategy required under subsection (c); and

(B)(i) shall analyze technology, policy, and market opportunities for the development, demonstration, and deployment of clean and efficient energy technologies on an international basis; and

(ii) shall examine relevant trade, tax, finance, international, and other policy issues to assess which policies, in the United States and in developing countries, would help open markets and improve the export of clean and efficient energy technologies from the United States.

(5) Termination

The Task Force, including any working group established by the Task Force pursuant to subsection (b), shall terminate 12 years after December 19, 2007.

(b) Working groups

(1) Establishment

The Task Force-

(A) shall establish an Interagency Working Group on the Export of Clean and Efficient Energy Technologies (in this section referred to as the "Interagency Working Group"); and

(B) may establish other working groups as may be necessary to carry out this section.

(2) Composition

The Interagency Working Group shall be composed of-

(A) the Secretary of Energy, the Secretary of Commerce, and the Secretary of State, who shall serve as Co-Chairpersons of the Interagency Working Group; and

(B) other members, as determined by the Chairperson or Co-Chairpersons of the Task Force.

(3) Duties

The Interagency Working Group shall coordinate the resources and relevant programs of the Department of Energy, the Department of Commerce, the Department of State, and other relevant Federal departments and agencies to support the export of clean and efficient energy technologies developed or demonstrated in the United States to other countries and the deployment of such clean and efficient energy technologies in such other countries.

(4) Interagency Center

The Interagency Working Group-

(A) shall establish an Interagency Center on the Export of Clean and Efficient Energy Technologies (in this section referred to as the "Interagency Center") to assist the Interagency Working Group in carrying out its duties required under paragraph (3); and

(B) shall locate the Interagency Center at a site agreed upon by the Co-Chairpersons of the Interagency Working Group, with the approval of the Chairperson or Co-Chairpersons of the Task Force.

(c) Strategy

(1) In general

Not later than 1 year after December 19, 2007, the Task Force shall develop and submit to the President and the appropriate congressional committees a strategy to-

(A) support the development and implementation of programs, policies, and initiatives in developing countries to promote the adoption and deployment of clean and efficient energy technologies, with an emphasis on those developing countries that are expected to experience the most significant growth in energy production and use over the next 20 years;

(B) open and expand clean and efficient energy technology markets and facilitate the export of clean and efficient energy technologies to developing countries, in a manner consistent with United States obligations as a member of the World Trade Organization;

(C) integrate into the foreign policy objectives of the United States the promotion of-

(i) the deployment of clean and efficient energy technologies and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries; and

(ii) the export of clean and efficient energy technologies; and

(D) develop financial mechanisms and instruments, including securities that mitigate the political and foreign exchange risks of uses that are consistent with the foreign policy objectives of the United States by combining the private sector market and government enhancements, that-

(i) are cost-effective; and

(ii) facilitate private capital investment in clean and efficient energy technology projects in developing countries.

(2) Updates

Not later than 3 years after the date of submission of the strategy under paragraph (1), and every 3 years thereafter, the Task Force shall update the strategy in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (1).

(d) Report

(1) In general

Not later than 3 years after the date of submission of the strategy under subsection (c)(1), and every 3 years thereafter, the President shall transmit to the appropriate congressional committees a report on the implementation of this section for the prior 3-year period.

(2) Matters to be included

The report required under paragraph (1) shall include the following:

(A) The update of the strategy required under subsection (c)(2) and a description of the actions taken by the Task Force to assist in the implementation of the strategy.

(B) A description of actions taken by the Task Force to carry out the duties required under subsection (a)(4)(B).

(C) A description of assistance provided under this section.

(D) The results of programs, projects, and activities carried out under this section.

(E) A description of priorities for promoting the diffusion and adoption of clean and efficient energy technologies and strategies in developing countries, taking into account economic and security interests of the United States and opportunities for the export of technology of the United States.

(F) Recommendations to the heads of appropriate Federal departments and agencies on methods to streamline Federal programs and policies to improve the role of such Federal departments and agencies in the development, demonstration, and deployment of clean and efficient energy technologies on an international basis.

(G) Strategies to integrate representatives of the private sector and other interested groups on the export and deployment of clean and efficient energy technologies.

(H) A description of programs to disseminate information to the private sector and the public on clean and efficient energy technologies and opportunities to transfer such clean and efficient energy technologies.

(e) Authorization of appropriations

There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $5,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2008 through 2020.

( Pub. L. 110–140, title IX, §916, Dec. 19, 2007, 121 Stat. 1728 ; Pub. L. 115–254, div. F, title VI, §1470(v)(2), Oct. 5, 2018, 132 Stat. 3519 .)

Editorial Notes


2018-Subsec. (a)(2)(I). Pub. L. 115–254 substituted "United States International Development Finance Corporation;" for "Overseas Private Investment Corporation:".

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of 2018 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 115–254 effective at the end of the transition period, as defined in section 9681 of Title 22, Foreign Relations and Intercourse, see section 1470(w) of Pub. L. 115–254, set out as a note under section 905 of Title 2, The Congress.

Effective Date

Section effective on the date that is 1 day after Dec. 19, 2007, see section 1601 of Pub. L. 110–140, set out as a note under section 1824 of Title 2, The Congress.