§3176. Administrator of General Services to furnish services in continental United States to international bodies
Sections 1535 and 1536 of title 31 are extended so that the Administrator of General Services, at the request of the Secretary of State, may furnish services in the continental United States, on a reimbursable basis, to any international body with which the Federal Government is affiliated.
Revised Section | Source (U.S. Code) | Source (Statutes at Large) |
3176 | 40:298b. | June 16, 1949, ch. 218, title IV, §405, |
The words "Sections 1535 and 1536 of title 31" are substituted for "section 601 of the Economy Act, approved June 30, 1932, as amended" because of section 4(b) of the Act of September 13, 1982 (