29 USC 622: Education and research program; recommendation to Congress
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29 USC 622: Education and research program; recommendation to Congress Text contains those laws in effect on October 17, 2024

§622. Education and research program; recommendation to Congress

(a) The Secretary of Labor shall undertake studies and provide information to labor unions, management, and the general public concerning the needs and abilities of older workers, and their potentials for continued employment and contribution to the economy. In order to achieve the purposes of this chapter, the Secretary of Labor shall carry on a continuing program of education and information, under which he may, among other measures-

(1) undertake research, and promote research, with a view to reducing barriers to the employment of older persons, and the promotion of measures for utilizing their skills;

(2) publish and otherwise make available to employers, professional societies, the various media of communication, and other interested persons the findings of studies and other materials for the promotion of employment;

(3) foster through the public employment service system and through cooperative effort the development of facilities of public and private agencies for expanding the opportunities and potentials of older persons;

(4) sponsor and assist State and community informational and educational programs.

(b) Not later than six months after the effective date of this chapter, the Secretary shall recommend to the Congress any measures he may deem desirable to change the lower or upper age limits set forth in section 631 of this title.

( Pub. L. 90–202, §3, Dec. 15, 1967, 81 Stat. 602 .)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The effective date of this chapter, referred to in subsec. (b), means the effective date of Pub. L. 90–202, which is one hundred and eighty days after the enactment of this chapter, except that the Secretary of Labor may extend the delay in effective date an additional ninety days thereafter for any provision to permit adjustments to such provisions. See section 16 of Pub. L. 90–202, set out as a note under section 621 of this title.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Study and Proposed Guidelines Relating to Police Officers and Firefighters

Pub. L. 99–592, §5, Oct. 31, 1986, 100 Stat. 3343 , provided that:

"(a) Study.-Not later than 4 years after the date of enactment of this Act [Oct. 31, 1986], the Secretary of Labor and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, jointly, shall-

"(1) conduct a study-

"(A) to determine whether physical and mental fitness tests are valid measurements of the ability and competency of police officers and firefighters to perform the requirements of their jobs,

"(B) if such tests are found to be valid measurements of such ability and competency, to determine which particular types of tests most effectively measure such ability and competency, and

"(C) to develop recommendations with respect to specific standards that such tests, and the administration of such tests should satisfy, and

"(2) submit a report to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate that includes-

"(A) a description of the results of such study, and

"(B) a statement of the recommendations developed under paragraph (1)(C).

"(b) Consultation Requirement.-The Secretary of Labor and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission shall, during the conduct of the study required under subsection (a) and prior to the development of recommendations under paragraph (1)(C), consult with the United States Fire Administration, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, organizations representing law enforcement officers, firefighters, and their employers, and organizations representing older Americans.

"(c) Proposed Guidelines.-Not later than 5 years after the date of the enactment of this Act [Oct. 31, 1986], the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission shall propose, in accordance with subchapter II of chapter 5 of title 5 of the United States Code, guidelines for the administration and use of physical and mental fitness tests to measure the ability and competency of police officers and firefighters to perform the requirements of their jobs."