§8503. Partnerships to promote military and veteran recreation
(a) In general
The Secretary concerned shall seek to enter into partnerships or agreements with State, Tribal, local, or private entities with expertise in outdoor recreation, volunteer, accessibility, and health and wellness programs for members of the Armed Forces or veterans.
(b) Partnerships
As part of a partnership or agreement entered into under subsection (a), the Secretary concerned may host events on Federal recreational lands and waters designed to promote outdoor recreation among members of the Armed Forces and veterans.
(c) Financial and technical assistance
Under a partnership or agreement entered into pursuant to subsection (a), the Secretary concerned may provide financial or technical assistance to the entity with which the respective Secretary concerned has entered into the partnership or agreement to assist with-
(1) the planning, development, and execution of events, activities, or programs designed to promote outdoor recreation for members of the Armed Forces or veterans; or
(2) the acquisition of assistive technology to facilitate improved outdoor recreation opportunities for members of the Armed Forces or veterans.