§8502. Military Veterans Outdoor Recreation Liaisons
(a) In general
Not later than 1 year after January 4, 2025, the Secretaries and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall each establish within their Departments the position of Military Veterans Outdoor Recreation Liaison.
(b) Duties
The Military Veterans Outdoor Recreation Liaison shall-
(1) coordinate the implementation of this part;
(2) implement recommendations identified by the Task Force on Outdoor Recreation for Veterans established under section 203 of the Veterans Comprehensive Prevention, Access to Care, and Treatment Act of 2020 (
(A) identifying new opportunities to formalize coordination between the Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Agriculture, Department of the Interior, and partner organizations regarding the use of Federal recreational lands and waters for facilitating health and wellness for veterans;
(B) addressing identified barriers that exist to providing veterans with opportunities to augment the delivery of services for health and wellness through the use of outdoor recreation on Federal recreational lands and waters; and
(C) facilitating the use of Federal recreational lands and waters for promoting wellness and facilitating the delivery of health care and therapeutic interventions for veterans;
(3) coordinate with Military Veterans Outdoor Recreation Liaisons at other Federal agencies and veterans organizations; and
(4) promote outdoor recreation experiences for veterans on Federal recreational lands and waters through new and innovative approaches.
Editorial Notes
References in Text
This part, referred to in subsec. (b)(1), was in the original "this subtitle" meaning subtitle B (§§221–226) of title II of
Section 203 of the Veterans Comprehensive Prevention, Access to Care, and Treatment Act of 2020, also known as the Veterans COMPACT Act of 2020, referred to in subsec. (b)(2), is section 203 of