16 USC 80a-3: Lands excluded from Sierra National Forest and Sequoia National Forest and added to Kings Canyon National Park
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16 USC 80a-3: Lands excluded from Sierra National Forest and Sequoia National Forest and added to Kings Canyon National Park Text contains those laws in effect on January 30, 2025

§80a–3. Lands excluded from Sierra National Forest and Sequoia National Forest and added to Kings Canyon National Park

All lands in Tehipite Valley within the Sierra National Forest lying north of a line described as follows:

Beginning at a point on the existing west boundary of the Kings Canyon National Park on the hydrographic divide on the southwest side of the Gorge of Despair in section 13, township 12 south, range 29 east, Mount Diablo base and meridian, being the crest of a ridge designated as Silver Spur;

thence following the crest of Silver Spur westerly to the intersection with the west line of section 14, township 12 south, range 29 east; thence northwesterly in a straight line across the middle fork of the Kings River to the point of intersection of the right bank of a stream or intermittent stream and the 4,400-foot contour north of Tombstone Ridge, in section 15, township 12 south, range 29 east, being a point on the existing west boundary of the park;

and all lands in the Cedar Grove area of the Sequoia National Forest lying east of the west section lines of sections 11 and 14, township 13 south, range 30 east, Mount Diablo base and meridian, are hereby excluded from the said national forests and made a part of the Kings Canyon National Park, subject to all the laws and regulations applicable to such park.

( Pub. L. 89–111, Aug. 6, 1965, 79 Stat. 446 .)

Editorial Notes


Section was not enacted as part of act Mar. 4, 1940, ch. 40, 54 Stat. 41 , which comprises this subchapter.