6 USC CHAPTER 1, SUBCHAPTER XVIII, Part D: Cyber Incident Reporting
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6 USC CHAPTER 1, SUBCHAPTER XVIII, Part D: Cyber Incident Reporting

Part D—Cyber Incident Reporting

§681. Definitions

In this part:

(1) Center

The term "Center" means the center established under section 659 of this title.

(2) Council

The term "Council" means the Cyber Incident Reporting Council described in section 681f of this title.

(3) Covered cyber incident

The term "covered cyber incident" means a substantial cyber incident experienced by a covered entity that satisfies the definition and criteria established by the Director in the final rule issued pursuant to section 681b(b) of this title.

(4) Covered entity

The term "covered entity" means an entity in a critical infrastructure sector, as defined in Presidential Policy Directive 21, that satisfies the definition established by the Director in the final rule issued pursuant to section 681b(b) of this title.

(5) Cyber incident

The term "cyber incident"—

(A) has the meaning given the term "incident" in section 659 1 of this title; and

(B) does not include an occurrence that imminently, but not actually, jeopardizes—

(i) information on information systems; or

(ii) information systems.

(6) Cyber threat

The term "cyber threat" has the meaning given the term "cybersecurity threat" in section 650 of this title.

(7) Federal entity

The term "Federal entity" has the meaning given the term in section 1501 of this title.

(8) Ransom payment

The term "ransom payment" means the transmission of any money or other property or asset, including virtual currency, or any portion thereof, which has at any time been delivered as ransom in connection with a ransomware attack.

(9) Significant cyber incident

The term "significant cyber incident" means a cyber incident, or a group of related cyber incidents, that the Secretary determines is likely to result in demonstrable harm to the national security interests, foreign relations, or economy of the United States or to the public confidence, civil liberties, or public health and safety of the people of the United States.

(10) Virtual currency

The term "virtual currency" means the digital representation of value that functions as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, or a store of value.

(11) Virtual currency address

The term "virtual currency address" means a unique public cryptographic key identifying the location to which a virtual currency payment can be made.

(Pub. L. 107–296, title XXII, §2240, as added Pub. L. 117–103, div. Y, §103(a)(2), Mar. 15, 2022, 136 Stat. 1039; amended Pub. L. 117–263, div. G, title LXXI, §7143(b)(2)(N), Dec. 23, 2022, 136 Stat. 3661.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

Section 659 of this title, referred to in par. (5)(A), was subsequently amended, and section 659(a) no longer defines the term "incident". Reference to term, "incident", as defined in this chapter deemed to be a reference to that term as defined in section 650(12) of this title, see section 7143(f)(2) of Pub. L. 117–263, set out as a Rule of Construction note under section 650 of this title.


2022—Par. (2). Pub. L. 117–263, §7143(b)(2)(N)(i), (ii), redesignated par. (3) as (2) and struck out former par. (2). Prior to amendment, text of par. (2) read as follows: "The term 'cloud service provider' means an entity offering products or services related to cloud computing, as defined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology in NIST Special Publication 800–145 and any amendatory or superseding document relating thereto."

Pars. (3) to (5). Pub. L. 117–263, §7143(b)(2)(N)(ii), redesignated pars. (4) to (6) as (3) to (5), respectively. Former par. (3) redesignated (2).

Par. (6). Pub. L. 117–263, §7143(b)(2)(N)(ii), (iii), redesignated par. (7) as (6) and substituted "section 650 of this title" for "section 651 of this title". Former par. (6) redesignated (5).

Par. (7). Pub. L. 117–263, §7143(b)(2)(N)(iv), added par. (7). Former par. (7) redesignated (6).

Par. (8). Pub. L. 117–263, §7143(b)(2)(N)(iv), (vi), redesignated par. (13) as (8) and struck out former par. (8). Prior to amendment, text of par. (8) read as follows: "The terms 'cyber threat indicator', 'cybersecurity purpose', 'defensive measure', 'Federal entity', and 'security vulnerability' have the meanings given those terms in section 1501 of this title."

Par. (9). Pub. L. 117–263, §7143(b)(2)(N)(v), (vi), redesignated par. (16) as (9) and struck out former par. (9). Prior to amendment, text of par. (9) read as follows: "The terms 'incident' and 'sharing' have the meanings given those terms in section 659 of this title."

Par. (10). Pub. L. 117–263, §7143(b)(2)(N)(v), (vi), redesignated par. (18) as (10) and struck out former par. (10). Prior to amendment, text of par. (10) read as follows: "The term 'Information Sharing and Analysis Organization' has the meaning given the term in section 671 of this title."

Par. (11). Pub. L. 117–263, §7143(b)(2)(N)(v), (vi), redesignated par. (19) as (11) and struck out former par. (11). Prior to amendment, text of par. (11) read as follows: "The term 'information system'—

"(A) has the meaning given the term in section 3502 of title 44; and

"(B) includes industrial control systems, such as supervisory control and data acquisition systems, distributed control systems, and programmable logic controllers."

Par. (12). Pub. L. 117–263, §7143(b)(2)(N)(v), struck out par. (12). Text read as follows: "The term 'managed service provider' means an entity that delivers services, such as network, application, infrastructure, or security services, via ongoing and regular support and active administration on the premises of a customer, in the data center of the entity (such as hosting), or in a third party data center."

Par. (13). Pub. L. 117–263, §7143(b)(2)(N)(vi), redesignated par. (13) as (8).

Par. (14). Pub. L. 117–263, §7143(b)(2)(N)(v), struck out par. (14). Text read as follows: "The term 'ransomware attack'—

"(A) means an incident that includes the use or threat of use of unauthorized or malicious code on an information system, or the use or threat of use of another digital mechanism such as a denial of service attack, to interrupt or disrupt the operations of an information system or compromise the confidentiality, availability, or integrity of electronic data stored on, processed by, or transiting an information system to extort a demand for a ransom payment; and

"(B) does not include any such event where the demand for payment is—

"(i) not genuine; or

"(ii) made in good faith by an entity in response to a specific request by the owner or operator of the information system."

Par. (15). Pub. L. 117–263, §7143(b)(2)(N)(v), struck out par. (15). Text read as follows: "The term 'Sector Risk Management Agency' has the meaning given the term in section 651 of this title."

Par. (16). Pub. L. 117–263, §7143(b)(2)(N)(vi), redesignated par. (16) as (9).

Par. (17). Pub. L. 117–263, §7143(b)(2)(N)(v), struck out par. (17). Text read as follows: "The term 'supply chain compromise' means an incident within the supply chain of an information system that an adversary can leverage or does leverage to jeopardize the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of the information system or the information the system processes, stores, or transmits, and can occur at any point during the life cycle."

Pars. (18), (19). Pub. L. 117–263, §7143(b)(2)(N)(vi), redesignated pars. (18) and (19) as (10) and (11), respectively.

1 See References in Text note below.

§681a. Cyber incident review

(a) Activities

The Center shall—

(1) receive, aggregate, analyze, and secure, using processes consistent with the processes developed pursuant to the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015 (6 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.) reports from covered entities related to a covered cyber incident to assess the effectiveness of security controls, identify tactics, techniques, and procedures adversaries use to overcome those controls and other cybersecurity purposes, including to assess potential impact of cyber incidents on public health and safety and to enhance situational awareness of cyber threats across critical infrastructure sectors;

(2) coordinate and share information with appropriate Federal departments and agencies to identify and track ransom payments, including those utilizing virtual currencies;

(3) leverage information gathered about cyber incidents to—

(A) enhance the quality and effectiveness of information sharing and coordination efforts with appropriate entities, including agencies, sector coordinating councils, Information Sharing and Analysis Organizations, State, local, Tribal, and territorial governments, technology providers, critical infrastructure owners and operators, cybersecurity and cyber incident response firms, and security researchers; and

(B) provide appropriate entities, including sector coordinating councils, Information Sharing and Analysis Organizations, State, local, Tribal, and territorial governments, technology providers, cybersecurity and cyber incident response firms, and security researchers, with timely, actionable, and anonymized reports of cyber incident campaigns and trends, including, to the maximum extent practicable, related contextual information, cyber threat indicators, and defensive measures, pursuant to section 681e of this title;

(4) establish mechanisms to receive feedback from stakeholders on how the Agency can most effectively receive covered cyber incident reports, ransom payment reports, and other voluntarily provided information, and how the Agency can most effectively support private sector cybersecurity;

(5) facilitate the timely sharing, on a voluntary basis, between relevant critical infrastructure owners and operators of information relating to covered cyber incidents and ransom payments, particularly with respect to ongoing cyber threats or security vulnerabilities and identify and disseminate ways to prevent or mitigate similar cyber incidents in the future;

(6) for a covered cyber incident, including a ransomware attack, that also satisfies the definition of a significant cyber incident, or is part of a group of related cyber incidents that together satisfy such definition, conduct a review of the details surrounding the covered cyber incident or group of those incidents and identify and disseminate ways to prevent or mitigate similar incidents in the future;

(7) with respect to covered cyber incident reports under section 1 681b(a) and 681c of this title involving an ongoing cyber threat or security vulnerability, immediately review those reports for cyber threat indicators that can be anonymized and disseminated, with defensive measures, to appropriate stakeholders, in coordination with other divisions within the Agency, as appropriate;

(8) publish quarterly unclassified, public reports that describe aggregated, anonymized observations, findings, and recommendations based on covered cyber incident reports, which may be based on the unclassified information contained in the briefings required under subsection (c);

(9) proactively identify opportunities, consistent with the protections in section 681e of this title, to leverage and utilize data on cyber incidents in a manner that enables and strengthens cybersecurity research carried out by academic institutions and other private sector organizations, to the greatest extent practicable; and

(10) in accordance with section 681e of this title and subsection (b) of this section, as soon as possible but not later than 24 hours after receiving a covered cyber incident report, ransom payment report, voluntarily submitted information pursuant to section 681c of this title, or information received pursuant to a request for information or subpoena under section 681d of this title, make available the information to appropriate Sector Risk Management Agencies and other appropriate Federal agencies.

(b) Interagency sharing

The President or a designee of the President—

(1) may establish a specific time requirement for sharing information under subsection (a)(10); and

(2) shall determine the appropriate Federal agencies under subsection (a)(10).

(c) Periodic briefing

Not later than 60 days after the effective date of the final rule required under section 681b(b) of this title, and on the first day of each month thereafter, the Director, in consultation with the National Cyber Director, the Attorney General, and the Director of National Intelligence, shall provide to the majority leader of the Senate, the minority leader of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the minority leader of the House of Representatives, the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate, and the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives a briefing that characterizes the national cyber threat landscape, including the threat facing Federal agencies and covered entities, and applicable intelligence and law enforcement information, covered cyber incidents, and ransomware attacks, as of the date of the briefing, which shall—

(1) include the total number of reports submitted under sections 681b and 681c of this title during the preceding month, including a breakdown of required and voluntary reports;

(2) include any identified trends in covered cyber incidents and ransomware attacks over the course of the preceding month and as compared to previous reports, including any trends related to the information collected in the reports submitted under sections 681b and 681c of this title, including—

(A) the infrastructure, tactics, and techniques malicious cyber actors commonly use; and

(B) intelligence gaps that have impeded, or currently are impeding, the ability to counter covered cyber incidents and ransomware threats;

(3) include a summary of the known uses of the information in reports submitted under sections 681b and 681c of this title; and

(4) include an unclassified portion, but may include a classified component.

(Pub. L. 107–296, title XXII, §2241, as added Pub. L. 117–103, div. Y, §103(a)(2), Mar. 15, 2022, 136 Stat. 1040.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015, referred to in subsec. (a)(1), is title I of div. N of Pub. L. 114–113, Dec. 18, 2015, 129 Stat. 2936, which is classified generally to subchapter I (§1501 et seq.) of chapter 6 of this title. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 1501 of this title and Tables.

1 So in original. Probably should be "sections".

§681b. Required reporting of certain cyber incidents

(a) In general

(1) Covered cyber incident reports

(A) In general

A covered entity that experiences a covered cyber incident shall report the covered cyber incident to the Agency not later than 72 hours after the covered entity reasonably believes that the covered cyber incident has occurred.

(B) Limitation

The Director may not require reporting under subparagraph (A) any earlier than 72 hours after the covered entity reasonably believes that a covered cyber incident has occurred.

(2) Ransom payment reports

(A) In general

A covered entity that makes a ransom payment as the result of a ransomware attack against the covered entity shall report the payment to the Agency not later than 24 hours after the ransom payment has been made.

(B) Application

The requirements under subparagraph (A) shall apply even if the ransomware attack is not a covered cyber incident subject to the reporting requirements under paragraph (1).

(3) Supplemental reports

A covered entity shall promptly submit to the Agency an update or supplement to a previously submitted covered cyber incident report if substantial new or different information becomes available or if the covered entity makes a ransom payment after submitting a covered cyber incident report required under paragraph (1), until such date that such covered entity notifies the Agency that the covered cyber incident at issue has concluded and has been fully mitigated and resolved.

(4) Preservation of information

Any covered entity subject to requirements of paragraph (1), (2), or (3) shall preserve data relevant to the covered cyber incident or ransom payment in accordance with procedures established in the final rule issued pursuant to subsection (b).

(5) Exceptions

(A) Reporting of covered cyber incident with ransom payment

If a covered entity is the victim of a covered cyber incident and makes a ransom payment prior to the 72 hour requirement under paragraph (1), such that the reporting requirements under paragraphs (1) and (2) both apply, the covered entity may submit a single report to satisfy the requirements of both paragraphs in accordance with procedures established in the final rule issued pursuant to subsection (b).

(B) Substantially similar reported information

(i) In general

Subject to the limitation described in clause (ii), where the Agency has an agreement in place that satisfies the requirements of section 681g(a) of this title, the requirements under paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) shall not apply to a covered entity required by law, regulation, or contract to report substantially similar information to another Federal agency within a substantially similar timeframe.

(ii) Limitation

The exemption in clause (i) shall take effect with respect to a covered entity once an agency agreement and sharing mechanism is in place between the Agency and the respective Federal agency, pursuant to section 681g(a) of this title.

(iii) Rules of construction

Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to—

(I) exempt a covered entity from the reporting requirements under paragraph (3) unless the supplemental report also meets the requirements of clauses (i) and (ii) of this paragraph; 1

(II) prevent the Agency from contacting an entity submitting information to another Federal agency that is provided to the Agency pursuant to section 681g of this title; or

(III) prevent an entity from communicating with the Agency.

(C) Domain name system

The requirements under paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) shall not apply to a covered entity or the functions of a covered entity that the Director determines constitute critical infrastructure owned, operated, or governed by multi-stakeholder organizations that develop, implement, and enforce policies concerning the Domain Name System, such as the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers or the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority.

(6) Manner, timing, and form of reports

Reports made under paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) shall be made in the manner and form, and within the time period in the case of reports made under paragraph (3), prescribed in the final rule issued pursuant to subsection (b).

(7) Effective date

Paragraphs (1) through (4) shall take effect on the dates prescribed in the final rule issued pursuant to subsection (b).

(b) Rulemaking

(1) Notice of proposed rulemaking

Not later than 24 months after March 15, 2022, the Director, in consultation with Sector Risk Management Agencies, the Department of Justice, and other Federal agencies, shall publish in the Federal Register a notice of proposed rulemaking to implement subsection (a).

(2) Final rule

Not later than 18 months after publication of the notice of proposed rulemaking under paragraph (1), the Director shall issue a final rule to implement subsection (a).

(3) Subsequent rulemakings

(A) In general

The Director is authorized to issue regulations to amend or revise the final rule issued pursuant to paragraph (2).

(B) Procedures

Any subsequent rules issued under subparagraph (A) shall comply with the requirements under chapter 5 of title 5, including the issuance of a notice of proposed rulemaking under section 553 of such title.

(c) Elements

The final rule issued pursuant to subsection (b) shall be composed of the following elements:

(1) A clear description of the types of entities that constitute covered entities, based on—

(A) the consequences that disruption to or compromise of such an entity could cause to national security, economic security, or public health and safety;

(B) the likelihood that such an entity may be targeted by a malicious cyber actor, including a foreign country; and

(C) the extent to which damage, disruption, or unauthorized access to such an entity, including the accessing of sensitive cybersecurity vulnerability information or penetration testing tools or techniques, will likely enable the disruption of the reliable operation of critical infrastructure.

(2) A clear description of the types of substantial cyber incidents that constitute covered cyber incidents, which shall—

(A) at a minimum, require the occurrence of—

(i) a cyber incident that leads to substantial loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability of such information system or network, or a serious impact on the safety and resiliency of operational systems and processes;

(ii) a disruption of business or industrial operations, including due to a denial of service attack, ransomware attack, or exploitation of a zero day vulnerability, against 2

(I) an information system or network; or

(II) an operational technology system or process; or

(iii) unauthorized access or disruption of business or industrial operations due to loss of service facilitated through, or caused by, a compromise of a cloud service provider, managed service provider, or other third-party data hosting provider or by a supply chain compromise;

(B) consider—

(i) the sophistication or novelty of the tactics used to perpetrate such a cyber incident, as well as the type, volume, and sensitivity of the data at issue;

(ii) the number of individuals directly or indirectly affected or potentially affected by such a cyber incident; and

(iii) potential impacts on industrial control systems, such as supervisory control and data acquisition systems, distributed control systems, and programmable logic controllers; and

(C) exclude—

(i) any event where the cyber incident is perpetrated in good faith by an entity in response to a specific request by the owner or operator of the information system; and

(ii) the threat of disruption as extortion, as described in section 681(14)(A) 3 of this title.

(3) A requirement that, if a covered cyber incident or a ransom payment occurs following an exempted threat described in paragraph (2)(C)(ii), the covered entity shall comply with the requirements in this part in reporting the covered cyber incident or ransom payment.

(4) A clear description of the specific required contents of a report pursuant to subsection (a)(1), which shall include the following information, to the extent applicable and available, with respect to a covered cyber incident:

(A) A description of the covered cyber incident, including—

(i) identification and a description of the function of the affected information systems, networks, or devices that were, or are reasonably believed to have been, affected by such cyber incident;

(ii) a description of the unauthorized access with substantial loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability of the affected information system or network or disruption of business or industrial operations;

(iii) the estimated date range of such incident; and

(iv) the impact to the operations of the covered entity.

(B) Where applicable, a description of the vulnerabilities exploited and the security defenses that were in place, as well as the tactics, techniques, and procedures used to perpetrate the covered cyber incident.

(C) Where applicable, any identifying or contact information related to each actor reasonably believed to be responsible for such cyber incident.

(D) Where applicable, identification of the category or categories of information that were, or are reasonably believed to have been, accessed or acquired by an unauthorized person.

(E) The name and other information that clearly identifies the covered entity impacted by the covered cyber incident, including, as applicable, the State of incorporation or formation of the covered entity, trade names, legal names, or other identifiers.

(F) Contact information, such as telephone number or electronic mail address, that the Agency may use to contact the covered entity or an authorized agent of such covered entity, or, where applicable, the service provider of such covered entity acting with the express permission of, and at the direction of, the covered entity to assist with compliance with the requirements of this part.

(5) A clear description of the specific required contents of a report pursuant to subsection (a)(2), which shall be the following information, to the extent applicable and available, with respect to a ransom payment:

(A) A description of the ransomware attack, including the estimated date range of the attack.

(B) Where applicable, a description of the vulnerabilities, tactics, techniques, and procedures used to perpetrate the ransomware attack.

(C) Where applicable, any identifying or contact information related to the actor or actors reasonably believed to be responsible for the ransomware attack.

(D) The name and other information that clearly identifies the covered entity that made the ransom payment or on whose behalf the payment was made.

(E) Contact information, such as telephone number or electronic mail address, that the Agency may use to contact the covered entity that made the ransom payment or an authorized agent of such covered entity, or, where applicable, the service provider of such covered entity acting with the express permission of, and at the direction of, that covered entity to assist with compliance with the requirements of this part.

(F) The date of the ransom payment.

(G) The ransom payment demand, including the type of virtual currency or other commodity requested, if applicable.

(H) The ransom payment instructions, including information regarding where to send the payment, such as the virtual currency address or physical address the funds were requested to be sent to, if applicable.

(I) The amount of the ransom payment.

(6) A clear description of the types of data required to be preserved pursuant to subsection (a)(4), the period of time for which the data is required to be preserved, and allowable uses, processes, and procedures.

(7) Deadlines and criteria for submitting supplemental reports to the Agency required under subsection (a)(3), which shall—

(A) be established by the Director in consultation with the Council;

(B) consider any existing regulatory reporting requirements similar in scope, purpose, and timing to the reporting requirements to which such a covered entity may also be subject, and make efforts to harmonize the timing and contents of any such reports to the maximum extent practicable;

(C) balance the need for situational awareness with the ability of the covered entity to conduct cyber incident response and investigations; and

(D) provide a clear description of what constitutes substantial new or different information.

(8) Procedures for—

(A) entities, including third parties pursuant to subsection (d)(1), to submit reports required by paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of subsection (a), including the manner and form thereof, which shall include, at a minimum, a concise, user-friendly web-based form;

(B) the Agency to carry out—

(i) the enforcement provisions of section 681d of this title, including with respect to the issuance, service, withdrawal, referral process, and enforcement of subpoenas, appeals and due process procedures;

(ii) other available enforcement mechanisms including acquisition, suspension and debarment procedures; and

(iii) other aspects of noncompliance;

(C) implementing the exceptions provided in subsection (a)(5); and

(D) protecting privacy and civil liberties consistent with processes adopted pursuant to section 1504(b) of this title and anonymizing and safeguarding, or no longer retaining, information received and disclosed through covered cyber incident reports and ransom payment reports that is known to be personal information of a specific individual or information that identifies a specific individual that is not directly related to a cybersecurity threat.

(9) Other procedural measures directly necessary to implement subsection (a).

(d) Third party report submission and ransom payment

(1) Report submission

A covered entity that is required to submit a covered cyber incident report or a ransom payment report may use a third party, such as an incident response company, insurance provider, service provider, Information Sharing and Analysis Organization, or law firm, to submit the required report under subsection (a).

(2) Ransom payment

If a covered entity impacted by a ransomware attack uses a third party to make a ransom payment, the third party shall not be required to submit a ransom payment report for itself under subsection (a)(2).

(3) Duty to report

Third-party reporting under this subparagraph 4 does not relieve a covered entity from the duty to comply with the requirements for covered cyber incident report or ransom payment report submission.

(4) Responsibility to advise

Any third party used by a covered entity that knowingly makes a ransom payment on behalf of a covered entity impacted by a ransomware attack shall advise the impacted covered entity of the responsibilities of the impacted covered entity regarding reporting ransom payments under this section.

(e) Outreach to covered entities

(1) In general

The Agency shall conduct an outreach and education campaign to inform likely covered entities, entities that offer or advertise as a service to customers to make or facilitate ransom payments on behalf of covered entities impacted by ransomware attacks and other appropriate entities of the requirements of paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of subsection (a).

(2) Elements

The outreach and education campaign under paragraph (1) shall include the following:

(A) An overview of the final rule issued pursuant to subsection (b).

(B) An overview of mechanisms to submit to the Agency covered cyber incident reports, ransom payment reports, and information relating to the disclosure, retention, and use of covered cyber incident reports and ransom payment reports under this section.

(C) An overview of the protections afforded to covered entities for complying with the requirements under paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of subsection (a).

(D) An overview of the steps taken under section 681d of this title when a covered entity is not in compliance with the reporting requirements under subsection (a).

(E) Specific outreach to cybersecurity vendors, cyber incident response providers, cybersecurity insurance entities, and other entities that may support covered entities.

(F) An overview of the privacy and civil liberties requirements in this part.

(3) Coordination

In conducting the outreach and education campaign required under paragraph (1), the Agency may coordinate with—

(A) the Critical Infrastructure Partnership Advisory Council established under section 451 of this title;

(B) Information Sharing and Analysis Organizations;

(C) trade associations;

(D) information sharing and analysis centers;

(E) sector coordinating councils; and

(F) any other entity as determined appropriate by the Director.

(f) Exemption

Sections 3506(c), 3507, 3508, and 3509 of title 44 shall not apply to any action to carry out this section.

(g) Rule of construction

Nothing in this section shall affect the authorities of the Federal Government to implement the requirements of Executive Order 14028 (86 Fed. Reg. 26633; relating to improving the nation's cybersecurity), including changes to the Federal Acquisition Regulations and remedies to include suspension and debarment.

(h) Savings provision

Nothing in this section shall be construed to supersede or to abrogate, modify, or otherwise limit the authority that is vested in any officer or any agency of the United States Government to regulate or take action with respect to the cybersecurity of an entity.

(Pub. L. 107–296, title XXII, §2242, as added Pub. L. 117–103, div. Y, §103(a)(2), Mar. 15, 2022, 136 Stat. 1042.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

Section 681(14)(A) of this title, referred to in subsec. (c)(2)(C)(ii), was repealed by section 7143(b)(2)(N)(v) of Pub. L. 117–263. See section 650(22)(A) of this title. References to terms defined in this chapter deemed to be references to those terms as defined in section 650 of this title, see section 7143(f)(2) of Pub. L. 117–263, set out as a Rule of Construction note under section 650 of this title.

Executive Order 14028, referred to in subsec. (g), is Ex. Ord. No. 14028, May 12, 2021, 86 F.R. 26633, which is set out as a note under section 3551 of Title 44, Public Printing and Documents.

1 So in original. Probably should be "subparagraph".

2 So in original. Probably should be followed by a dash.

3 See References in Text note below.

4 So in original. Probably should be "subsection".

§681c. Voluntary reporting of other cyber incidents

(a) In general

Entities may voluntarily report cyber incidents or ransom payments to the Agency that are not required under paragraph (1), (2), or (3) of section 681b(a) of this title, but may enhance the situational awareness of cyber threats.

(b) Voluntary provision of additional information in required reports

Covered entities may voluntarily include in reports required under paragraph (1), (2), or (3) of section 681b(a) of this title information that is not required to be included, but may enhance the situational awareness of cyber threats.

(c) Application of section 681e of this title

Section 681e of this title shall apply in the same manner and to the same extent to reports and information submitted under subsections (a) and (b) as it applies to reports and information submitted under section 681b of this title.

(Pub. L. 107–296, title XXII, §2243, as added Pub. L. 117–103, div. Y, §103(a)(2), Mar. 15, 2022, 136 Stat. 1049; amended Pub. L. 117–263, div. G, title LXXI, §7143(e)(1), Dec. 23, 2022, 136 Stat. 3664.)

Editorial Notes


2022—Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 117–263 added subsec. (c) and struck out former subsec. (c). Prior to amendment, text read as follows: "The protections under section 681e of this title applicable to reports made under section 681b of this title shall apply in the same manner and to the same extent to reports and information submitted under subsections (a) and (b)."

§681d. Noncompliance with required reporting

(a) Purpose

In the event that a covered entity that is required to submit a report under section 681b(a) of this title fails to comply with the requirement to report, the Director may obtain information about the cyber incident or ransom payment by engaging the covered entity directly to request information about the cyber incident or ransom payment, and if the Director is unable to obtain information through such engagement, by issuing a subpoena to the covered entity, pursuant to subsection (c), to gather information sufficient to determine whether a covered cyber incident or ransom payment has occurred.

(b) Initial request for information

(1) In general

If the Director has reason to believe, whether through public reporting or other information in the possession of the Federal Government, including through analysis performed pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2) of section 681a(a) of this title, that a covered entity has experienced a covered cyber incident or made a ransom payment but failed to report such cyber incident or payment to the Agency in accordance with section 681b(a) of this title, the Director may request additional information from the covered entity to confirm whether or not a covered cyber incident or ransom payment has occurred.

(2) Treatment

Information provided to the Agency in response to a request under paragraph (1) shall be treated as if it was submitted through the reporting procedures established in section 681b of this title 1 including that section 681e of this title shall apply to such information in the same manner and to the same extent to information submitted in response to requests under paragraph (1) as it applies to information submitted under section 681b of this title.

(c) Enforcement

(1) In general

If, after the date that is 72 hours from the date on which the Director made the request for information in subsection (b), the Director has received no response from the covered entity from which such information was requested, or received an inadequate response, the Director may issue to such covered entity a subpoena to compel disclosure of information the Director deems necessary to determine whether a covered cyber incident or ransom payment has occurred and obtain the information required to be reported pursuant to section 681b of this title and any implementing regulations, and assess potential impacts to national security, economic security, or public health and safety.

(2) Civil action

(A) In general

If a covered entity fails to comply with a subpoena, the Director may refer the matter to the Attorney General to bring a civil action in a district court of the United States to enforce such subpoena.

(B) Venue

An action under this paragraph may be brought in the judicial district in which the covered entity against which the action is brought resides, is found, or does business.

(C) Contempt of court

A court may punish a failure to comply with a subpoena issued under this subsection as contempt of court.

(3) Non-delegation

The authority of the Director to issue a subpoena under this subsection may not be delegated.

(4) Authentication

(A) In general

Any subpoena issued electronically pursuant to this subsection shall be authenticated with a cryptographic digital signature of an authorized representative of the Agency, or other comparable successor technology, that allows the Agency to demonstrate that such subpoena was issued by the Agency and has not been altered or modified since such issuance.

(B) Invalid if not authenticated

Any subpoena issued electronically pursuant to this subsection that is not authenticated in accordance with subparagraph (A) shall not be considered to be valid by the recipient of such subpoena.

(d) Provision of certain information to Attorney General

(1) In general

Notwithstanding section 681e(a)(5) of this title and paragraph (b)(2) of this section, if the Director determines, based on the information provided in response to a subpoena issued pursuant to subsection (c), that the facts relating to the cyber incident or ransom payment at issue may constitute grounds for a regulatory enforcement action or criminal prosecution, the Director may provide such information to the Attorney General or the head of the appropriate Federal regulatory agency, who may use such information for a regulatory enforcement action or criminal prosecution.

(2) Consultation

The Director may consult with the Attorney General or the head of the appropriate Federal regulatory agency when making the determination under paragraph (1).

(e) Considerations

When determining whether to exercise the authorities provided under this section, the Director shall take into consideration—

(1) the complexity in determining if a covered cyber incident has occurred; and

(2) prior interaction with the Agency or awareness of the covered entity of the policies and procedures of the Agency for reporting covered cyber incidents and ransom payments.

(f) Exclusions

This section shall not apply to a State, local, Tribal, or territorial government entity.

(g) Report to Congress

The Director shall submit to Congress an annual report on the number of times the Director—

(1) issued an initial request for information pursuant to subsection (b);

(2) issued a subpoena pursuant to subsection (c); or

(3) referred a matter to the Attorney General for a civil action pursuant to subsection (c)(2).

(h) Publication of the annual report

The Director shall publish a version of the annual report required under subsection (g) on the website of the Agency, which shall include, at a minimum, the number of times the Director—

(1) issued an initial request for information pursuant to subsection (b); or

(2) issued a subpoena pursuant to subsection (c).

(i) Anonymization of reports

The Director shall ensure any victim information contained in a report required to be published under subsection (h) be anonymized before the report is published.

(Pub. L. 107–296, title XXII, §2244, as added Pub. L. 117–103, div. Y, §103(a)(2), Mar. 15, 2022, 136 Stat. 1049; amended Pub. L. 117–263, div. G, title LXXI, §7143(e)(2), Dec. 23, 2022, 136 Stat. 3664.)

Editorial Notes


2022—Subsec. (b)(2). Pub. L. 117–263 inserted "including that section 681e of this title shall apply to such information in the same manner and to the same extent to information submitted in response to requests under paragraph (1) as it applies to information submitted under section 681b of this title" after "section 681b of this title".

1 So in original. Probably should be followed by a comma.

§681e. Information shared with or provided to the Federal Government

(a) Disclosure, retention, and use

(1) Authorized activities

Information provided to the Agency pursuant to section 681b or 681c of this title may be disclosed to, retained by, and used by, consistent with otherwise applicable provisions of Federal law, any Federal agency or department, component, officer, employee, or agent of the Federal Government solely for—

(A) a cybersecurity purpose;

(B) the purpose of identifying—

(i) a cyber threat, including the source of the cyber threat; or

(ii) a security vulnerability;

(C) the purpose of responding to, or otherwise preventing or mitigating, a specific threat of death, a specific threat of serious bodily harm, or a specific threat of serious economic harm, including a terrorist act or use of a weapon of mass destruction;

(D) the purpose of responding to, investigating, prosecuting, or otherwise preventing or mitigating, a serious threat to a minor, including sexual exploitation and threats to physical safety; or

(E) the purpose of preventing, investigating, disrupting, or prosecuting an offense arising out of a cyber incident reported pursuant to section 681b or 681c of this title or any of the offenses listed in section 1504(d)(5)(A)(v) of this title.

(2) Agency actions after receipt

(A) Rapid, confidential sharing of cyber threat indicators

Upon receiving a covered cyber incident or ransom payment report submitted pursuant to this section, the Agency shall immediately review the report to determine whether the cyber incident that is the subject of the report is connected to an ongoing cyber threat or security vulnerability and where applicable, use such report to identify, develop, and rapidly disseminate to appropriate stakeholders actionable, anonymized cyber threat indicators and defensive measures.

(B) Principles for sharing security vulnerabilities

With respect to information in a covered cyber incident or ransom payment report regarding a security vulnerability referred to in paragraph (1)(B)(ii), the Director shall develop principles that govern the timing and manner in which information relating to security vulnerabilities may be shared, consistent with common industry best practices and United States and international standards.

(3) Privacy and civil liberties

Information contained in covered cyber incident and ransom payment reports submitted to the Agency pursuant to section 681b of this title shall be retained, used, and disseminated, where permissible and appropriate, by the Federal Government in accordance with processes to be developed for the protection of personal information consistent with processes adopted pursuant to section 1504 of this title and in a manner that protects personal information from unauthorized use or unauthorized disclosure.

(4) Digital security

The Agency shall ensure that reports submitted to the Agency pursuant to section 681b of this title, and any information contained in those reports, are collected, stored, and protected at a minimum in accordance with the requirements for moderate impact Federal information systems, as described in Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 199, or any successor document.

(5) Prohibition on use of information in regulatory actions

(A) In general

A Federal, State, local, or Tribal government shall not use information about a covered cyber incident or ransom payment obtained solely through reporting directly to the Agency in accordance with this part to regulate, including through an enforcement action, the activities of the covered entity or entity that made a ransom payment, unless the government entity expressly allows entities to submit reports to the Agency to meet regulatory reporting obligations of the entity.

(B) Clarification

A report submitted to the Agency pursuant to section 681b or 681c of this title may, consistent with Federal or State regulatory authority specifically relating to the prevention and mitigation of cybersecurity threats to information systems, inform the development or implementation of regulations relating to such systems.

(b) Protections for reporting entities and information

Reports describing covered cyber incidents or ransom payments submitted to the Agency by entities in accordance with section 681b of this title, as well as voluntarily-submitted cyber incident reports submitted to the Agency pursuant to section 681c of this title, shall—

(1) be considered the commercial, financial, and proprietary information of the covered entity when so designated by the covered entity;

(2) be exempt from disclosure under section 552(b)(3) of title 5 (commonly known as the "Freedom of Information Act"), as well as any provision of State, Tribal, or local freedom of information law, open government law, open meetings law, open records law, sunshine law, or similar law requiring disclosure of information or records;

(3) be considered not to constitute a waiver of any applicable privilege or protection provided by law, including trade secret protection; and

(4) not be subject to a rule of any Federal agency or department or any judicial doctrine regarding ex parte communications with a decision-making official.

(c) Liability protections

(1) In general

No cause of action shall lie or be maintained in any court by any person or entity and any such action shall be promptly dismissed for the submission of a report pursuant to section 681b(a) of this title that is submitted in conformance with this part and the rule promulgated under section 681b(b) of this title, except that this subsection shall not apply with regard to an action by the Federal Government pursuant to section 681d(c)(2) of this title.

(2) Scope

The liability protections provided in this subsection shall only apply to or affect litigation that is solely based on the submission of a covered cyber incident report or ransom payment report to the Agency.

(3) Restrictions

Notwithstanding paragraph (2), no report submitted to the Agency pursuant to this part or any communication, document, material, or other record, created for the sole purpose of preparing, drafting, or submitting such report, may be received in evidence, subject to discovery, or otherwise used in any trial, hearing, or other proceeding in or before any court, regulatory body, or other authority of the United States, a State, or a political subdivision thereof, provided that nothing in this part shall create a defense to discovery or otherwise affect the discovery of any communication, document, material, or other record not created for the sole purpose of preparing, drafting, or submitting such report.

(d) Sharing with non-Federal entities

The Agency shall anonymize the victim who reported the information when making information provided in reports received under section 681b of this title available to critical infrastructure owners and operators and the general public.

(e) Stored Communications Act

Nothing in this part shall be construed to permit or require disclosure by a provider of a remote computing service or a provider of an electronic communication service to the public of information not otherwise permitted or required to be disclosed under chapter 121 of title 18 (commonly known as the "Stored Communications Act").

(Pub. L. 107–296, title XXII, §2245, as added Pub. L. 117–103, div. Y, §103(a)(2), Mar. 15, 2022, 136 Stat. 1051.)

§681f. Cyber Incident Reporting Council

(a) Responsibility of the Secretary

The Secretary shall lead an intergovernmental Cyber Incident Reporting Council, in consultation with the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, the Attorney General, the National Cyber Director, Sector Risk Management Agencies, and other appropriate Federal agencies, to coordinate, deconflict, and harmonize Federal incident reporting requirements, including those issued through regulations.

(b) Rule of construction

Nothing in subsection (a) shall be construed to provide any additional regulatory authority to any Federal entity.

(Pub. L. 107–296, title XXII, §2246, as added Pub. L. 117–103, div. Y, §103(a)(2), Mar. 15, 2022, 136 Stat. 1054.)

§681g. Federal sharing of incident reports

(a) Cyber incident reporting sharing

(1) In general

Notwithstanding any other provision of law or regulation, any Federal agency, including any independent establishment (as defined in section 104 of title 5), that receives a report from an entity of a cyber incident, including a ransomware attack, shall provide the report to the Agency as soon as possible, but not later than 24 hours after receiving the report, unless a shorter period is required by an agreement made between the Department of Homeland Security (including the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) and the recipient Federal agency. The Director shall share and coordinate each report pursuant to section 681a(b) of this title, as added by section 103 of this division.

(2) Rule of construction

The requirements described in paragraph (1) and section 681e(d) of this title, as added by section 103 of this division, may not be construed to be a violation of any provision of law or policy that would otherwise prohibit disclosure or provision of information within the executive branch.

(3) Protection of information

The Director shall comply with any obligations of the recipient Federal agency described in paragraph (1) to protect information, including with respect to privacy, confidentiality, or information security, if those obligations would impose greater protection requirements than this division or the amendments made by this division.

(4) Effective date

This subsection shall take effect on the effective date of the final rule issued pursuant to section 681b(b) of this title, as added by section 103 of this division.

(5) Agency agreements

(A) In general

The Agency and any Federal agency, including any independent establishment (as defined in section 104 of title 5), that receives incident reports from entities, including due to ransomware attacks, shall, as appropriate, enter into a documented agreement to establish policies, processes, procedures, and mechanisms to ensure reports are shared with the Agency pursuant to paragraph (1).

(B) Availability

To the maximum extent practicable, each documented agreement required under subparagraph (A) shall be made publicly available.

(C) Requirement

The documented agreements required by subparagraph (A) shall require reports be shared from Federal agencies with the Agency in such time as to meet the overall timeline for covered entity reporting of covered cyber incidents and ransom payments established in section 681b of this title, as added by section 103 of this division.

(b) Harmonizing reporting requirements

The Secretary of Homeland Security, acting through the Director, shall, in consultation with the Cyber Incident Reporting Council described in section 681f of this title, as added by section 103 of this division, to the maximum extent practicable—

(1) periodically review existing regulatory requirements, including the information required in such reports, to report incidents and ensure that any such reporting requirements and procedures avoid conflicting, duplicative, or burdensome requirements; and

(2) coordinate with appropriate Federal partners and regulatory authorities that receive reports relating to incidents to identify opportunities to streamline reporting processes, and where feasible, facilitate interagency agreements between such authorities to permit the sharing of such reports, consistent with applicable law and policy, without impacting the ability of the Agency to gain timely situational awareness of a covered cyber incident or ransom payment.

(Pub. L. 117–103, div. Y, §104, Mar. 15, 2022, 136 Stat. 1054.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

Section 103 of this division, referred to in text, is section 103 of div. Y of Pub. L. 117–103, which enacted this part and amended section 659 of this title.


Section was enacted as part of the Cyber Incident Reporting for Critical Infrastructure Act of 2022, and also as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022, and not as part of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 which comprises this chapter.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries


For definitions of terms used in this section, see section 102 of div. Y of Pub. L. 117–103, which is set out as a note under section 665j of this title.