Front Matter
*Title 1—General Provisions
Title 2—The Congress
*Title 3—The President
*Title 4—Flag And Seal, Seat Of Government, And The States
*Title 5—Government Organization And Employees
; and
Title 6—Domestic Security
Title 7—Agriculture
Title 8—Aliens And Nationality
*Title 9—Arbitration
*Title 10—Armed Forces
*Title 11—Bankruptcy
; and
Title 12—Banks And Banking
*Title 13—Census
*Title 14—Coast Guard
Title 15—Commerce And Trade
Title 16—Conservation
*Title 17—Copyrights
*Title 18—Crimes And Criminal Procedure
; and
Title 19—Customs Duties
Title 20—Education
Title 21—Food And Drugs
Title 22—Foreign Relations And Intercourse
*Title 23—Highways
Title 24—Hospitals And Asylums
Title 25—Indians
Title 26—Internal Revenue Code
Title 27—Intoxicating Liquors
*Title 28—Judiciary And Judicial Procedure
; and
Title 29—Labor
Title 30—Mineral Lands And Mining
*Title 31—Money And Finance
*Title 32—National Guard
Title 33—Navigation And Navigable Waters
Title 34—Crime Control And Law Enforcement
*Title 35—Patents
*Title 36—Patriotic And National Observances, Ceremonies, And Organizations
*Title 37—Pay And Allowances Of The Uniformed Services
*Title 38—Veterans' Benefits
*Title 39—Postal Service
*Title 40—Public Buildings, Property, And Works
*Title 41—Public Contracts
Title 42—The Public Health And Welfare
Title 43—Public Lands
*Title 44—Public Printing And Documents
Title 45—Railroads
*Title 46—Shipping
TITLE 46—Front Matter
Subtitle I—General
(sections 101 to 505)
Subtitle II—Vessels and Seamen
(sections 2101 to 15109)
Subtitle II—Front Matter
Part A—General Provisions
(sections 2101 to 2307)
Part A—Front Matter
(sections 2101 to 2118)
(sections 2301 to 2307)
CHAPTER 23—Front Matter
Sec. 2301. Application
Sec. 2302. Penalties for negligent operations and interfering with safe operation
Sec. 2303. Duties related to marine casualty assistance and information
Sec. 2303a. Post serious marine casualty alcohol testing
Sec. 2304. Duty to provide assistance at sea
Sec. 2305. Injunctions
Sec. 2306. Vessel reporting requirements
Sec. 2307. Repealed. Pub. L. 115-282, title IV, §402(d), Dec. 4, 2018, 132 Stat. 4264
Part B—Inspection and Regulation of Vessels
(sections 3101 to 4705)
Part C—Load Lines of Vessels
(sections 5101 to 5116)
Part D—Marine Casualties
(sections 6101 to 6309)
Part E—Merchant Seamen Licenses, Certificates, and Documents
(sections 7101 to 7706)
Part F—Manning of Vessels
(sections 8101 to 9308)
Part G—Merchant Seamen Protection and Relief
(sections 10101 to 11507)
Part H—Identification of Vessels
(sections 12101 to 12507)
Part I—State Boating Safety Programs
(sections 13101 to 13110)
Part J—Measurement of Vessels
(sections 14101 to 14702)
Part K—National Maritime Transportation Advisory Committees
(sections 15101 to 15109)
Subtitle III—Maritime Liability
(sections 30101 to 31343)
Subtitle IV—Regulation of Ocean Shipping
(sections 40101 to 46108)
Subtitle V—Merchant Marine
(sections 50101 to 58109)
Subtitle VI—Clearance, Tonnage Taxes, and Duties
(sections 60101 to 60507)
Subtitle VII—Security and Drug Enforcement
(sections 70001 to 70508)
Subtitle VIII—Miscellaneous
(sections 80101 to 80509)
Title 47—Telecommunications
Title 48—Territories And Insular Possessions
*Title 49—Transportation
Title 50—War And National Defense
; and
*Title 51—National And Commercial Space Programs
Title 52—Voting And Elections
Title 53—[Reserved]
*Title 54—National Park Service And Related Programs
Popular Names and Tables